sports_gal "Active outdoor christian gal seeks similar in guy"
43 year old woman from Boonducks, Maryland      Looking for friendship Last seen over a month ago
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About sports_gal
Hi all. . . .well where to start. I tend to be a shy laid back individual, but also have an adventurous side. I love to be active! I've been sky diving and like things like boating, jet skiing, white-water rafting, downhill skiing, riding motorcycles, etc. I love sports, whether its watching, reading, or playing them (and yes I'm quite compeive). My favorite is baseball (go Yankees!). I really enjoy the outdoors! But I also like things like movies, music, reading a good book, etc. I'm getting more into history and enjoy visiting the historical sites. The last few years I've been able to get more into traveling, and I love it! Other orted interests include dogs, amut parks, the south, a good conversation, good natured teasing. . . I love learning, trying new things and expanding my horizon. . . keeps life more interesting! :) I genuinely care and am concerned about others. I love to help and serve others and aim to at least try to make a difference. I believe in working hard and giving it my all. One of the most important things I can tell you is that I'm a Christian. My faith is also very important to me. I'm pretty conservative, so I tend to have traditional values. I'm not into the bar/club/party scene and don't drink or smoke. Right now I'm just looking for friends, as I believe friendship is a great and important foundation. But yes it is my hope, that after time, I will be able to find that special someone (who will also be my best friend). In that regard, I am looking for a Christian guy with good values. Someone who is mature and responsible, but knows how to kick back and have fun too. Complete honesty is a must! Someone who will not play games (as the term goes, cowboy up) and knows what they are looking for . . . where we can be ourselves with one another. Similar interests are great. . . but I'm also looking for someone where we can compliment and bring out the best in one another. Guys, in case its not clear already, you should know that I'm not a high maintenance girly girl. I do like to look nice and take care of myself, but I don't obsess over it or mask who I am. I absolutely hate drama/playing games and would rather be honest with you than expect you to guess if/what is wrong. I'm the kinda girl that will challenge you in a sport or be sitting there watching with you. But also know that is just one side of me. I do have the nurturing caring side. I love kids and animals. I have a big heart and want to help others. One of my go to quotes at the moment: "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear." Ambrose Redmoon
Physical Appearance
5' 5"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
Have Children?
Christian - Other
Want Children?
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