JuanKnucklehead "Poof"
55 year old man from Norman, Oklahoma      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About JuanKnucklehead
Don't let the pix scare you (repulse maybe, but not scare) I am a teddy bear :) First note, I am a father and it takes most of my time, If you cant or wont understand that then move along. In a perfect world you will have a child/children/grand kids my daughters age 10, Although I understand that is a long shot, I am 49 and not even remotely interested in a 20something and under 35 is pushing it for me. I am a pretty simple and easy going person, but you will have to pass the daughter test & having a couple kiddos her age will go a long way in impressing her,,lol JUST BECAUSE I LOOK AT YOUR PROFILE A COUPLE TIMES DOESN'T MEAN I'M A PERVO OR WANNA HAVE SEX WITH YOU,,I am bored and you are hot,,I cant believe I am saying that,,But damn there some weird peeps out there,,ha-ha,,If you wanna talk I would suggest you say "hi" though,,I really am just that guy over there that doesn't say much unless spoke to. Oh but once i am comfortable with someone there aint no telling whats gonna come out of my mouth, I'm liable to be as surprised as you. i am just here to see whats out there in the S Side/Moore/Norman area (I rarely go north of I-40). If you want a go, go,go party animal keep looking, cause i am more the homebody type, if you are looking for money, bwaaahhhaaaahhhaaaa keep looking cause i am usually broke!! But hey, if you are looking for a broke *** homebody with too much of not enough then i am your man, happy dance :) i am looking for the one person that can be my partner in crime. It would be cool to find 1 woman for a regular thing. I am not interested in bed post notches, been there done that, How 'bout I try finding someone I enjoy talking with. But bet your *** I am not looking for love. if it happens that's one thing but not getting my hopes up. I AM HIV NEGITIVE & HAVE THE PAPERS TO PROVE IT,,DO YOU?? About myself, I tend to be a introvert,,,I dont really care for public settings although i love concerts, go figure. My walls are high and thick.But I truly wear my heart on my sleeve. After everything i really believe good trumps evil and good things come to those that truly care (i know,,silly huh) I have a wicked sense of sarcasm that sometimes cuts a little too deep. I would rather spend my time at home over going out (yea that one just killed 90% of those out there) I am a nice person who detests ugliness and pain (I have more than a lifetime of it) But never confuse passive for weakness because I can and will deliver the hammer if I think myself or what is mine are being played or being disrespected. I have tattoos, I wear dentures (bad car accident in 92) I like old country and hard rock music. I don't smoke but I do vape. I DO NOT DO DRUGS & WILL NOT BE A PART OF OR AROUND THEM, THIS IS NOT NEGOTIABLE,, PERIOD!!!!!! Although I do like to throw back a few beers every now and then (I am not a prude,,lol) I like Nascar & football. I have my own place and for the most part live alone, but my daughter comes and goes as she wants, I am opinionated but always willing to meet in the middle. I have reached a point in my life where I just don't give a **** what anybody thinks anymore, Its kinda liberating. When I quit giving a crap a huge weight was lifted off me and I like it, I am me, flaws and all,,and I got a lot of flaws (but bullsh*t and drama aren't part of it thank god).. I have done my best to show who I am on this in both print & pix, the good, the bad & the ugly. It would be nice if others around here did the same (yeah I know the newly grown hair isn't very becoming but my daughter and myself are growing our hair out to donate to cancer kids) I am a true Southsider, I get lost north of I-40 I am a very liberal conservative, Or maybe a very conservative liberal, I don't know, one or the other. But if you identify as a "rabid/fringe/hardcore" conservative or liberal we probably wont get along. It is what it is. A few of my favorite sayings: The older I get the more I realize that age doesn't bring wisdom. It only brings weary. I am not any smarter than I was 30 years ago. I've just grown too tired to juggle the lies and hide the fears. Self awareness doesn't reveal my indiscretions, exhaustion does Confusion is the heart of stability Stability is the heart and soul of insanity It's going, it's going, what's going's got you gone There ain't nothing' here so move along When it rains it pours, it pours, it rains insanely Logic is the strength of the truth,,, but the pain sees it all A Rebel is a person who stands up for their own personal opinions despite what anyone else says. A true Rebel stands up for what they believe is right, NOT against what's right. It's not about smoking dope, drinking till you're rendered unconscious, or beating the crap out of anyone that crosses your path. It's all about being an individual and refusing to follow a crowd that forces you to think the same way they do. Even if it means becoming an outcast to society. True Rebels know who they are and do not compromise their individuality or personal opinion for anyone. They're straightforward and honest and they will sure as hell tell it like it is and let the pieces fall where they may lie. 3 things I know about women,,, 1) When a woman says "nothings wrong" Something is wrong,,,2) When a woman says "something is wrong" Everything is wrong. 3) When a woman says something is not funny, You better not laugh your *** off. May The Lord Hold You In His Hand & Not Close His Fist To Tight
Physical Appearance
6' 0"
Body type
White / Caucasian
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Have Children?
Yes, they live at home
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