valentine_75081 "Bored in a new city and looking for friends.."
44 year old man from Austin, Texas      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About valentine_75081
I have never thought I would be here, but yet here I Am.……..what is even more impressive to me, is how many more people are here as well. Are we all looking for the same thing? A friend, partner, someone to talk to or relate to perhaps? I’m new to austin, graduated from north texas with a bachelors in psych and minor in spanish. I love hanging out and staying active. Being new in the city of austin this site seem like a good way to meet new people and friends.. I guess this is where I talk a bit more about myself. I like to think of myself as easy to talk to and tons of fun….but then again who wouldn’t right? I have been to Spain, California, Florida, New York, Peru, and New Orleans..I like meeting new people and constantly learning from new experiences....after all you can never stop learning I think. I was an art major for 2 years before I discovered my pion which is to help people. I still love the arts and like to sketch from time to time. I love the outdoors, and the water. I play all kind of sports, have a compeive spirit and I like to have fun in everything that I do. I love music...and I listen to almost everything but mostly alternative. I like to go out at night just as well as staying in and watching a movie. My family and I are very close, and I’m looking forward to meeting and making new friends.
Profession: CITI CORP
Physical Appearance
5' 10"
Body type
Latino / Hispanic
Marital Status
Never married
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