abeck1969 "This is me"
54 year old woman from Heathrow, Florida      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About abeck1969
I enjoy singing and dancing and being among people but my quiet time is very important to me. I like to dance and sing and try new things. I enjoy fishing in the surf in the FL Keys and camping. I also enjoy fine dining, movies and my high heels while I can still wear them. I am a professional, ambitious person who balances this with my family priorities and my personal need for time off. I am a deep thinker and a long term planner. An optimist with a realistic point of view. I am outspoken at times. Every individual is unique and should be respected for that. I respect history that makes a person who they are and understand that they are not today who they were 10 years ago. That said, I am not open to dating ex-cons. I am looking for an individual who is like minded and has the ability to grow with their years. Not one is limited by their past. My taste in music is very diverse. I do not appreciate rap or screamo. If you have a teen of have had one in the recent past, you will know what screamo is. I prefer to be involved with individuals with children in their teens or older. I like a night out at a club, but spend much of my socializing going with my daughter to sing karaoke or hanging out at home with her and a bunch of her friends - although I give them their space. I enjoy trying new things and like outdoor activities including camping, fishing (not off a pier), jet ski, boating, beach, hiking, kayaking, rafting, and the like. Things I haven't done and would like to (bucket list) tandem ski diving (I'm taking someone with me if I go), running a zip line thru a forest, snow skiing (sad huh? - bunny slope here I come), and numerous other adventures.
Profession: insurance
Physical Appearance
5' 6"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
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Yes, they live at home
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