Doco6 "Are you for me, by the only true god in christ will, we shall live to experiance it in the nam of 'love'.?"
56 year old man from Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur      Looking for marriage Last seen over a month ago
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About Doco6
Hi..., i am a born again Christian, a Protestant by faith, and non-denominational, but by the 'All Scripture = Holy Bible'. i am on an on-line church currently and before. i am married with a bit of complication in it, and therefore seek my second in good faith, and most of all with GOD's permission, as HIS will be done in the name of LORD JESUS CHRIST. i am a one woman man, and have no intention of ruining another in deceit. But under the circumstances, and by GOD in CHRIST's will, i genuinely have to, rather than tempted in the wrong way done in secret. The one i seek to be my second in marriage, possible have the same interest that i have, but the option is open if one is interested in my interest. She must be self-sufficient and a homemaker herself, in order to spend quality time, even affectionate one together, apart from work and dual marriage sharing. Plus, business woman are welcome, for i have business ideas of my own, but without a Christian business finance partner of my own. i am also by GOD in CHRIST JESUS our LORD's grace, i am self-sufficient. And have no hidden agenda nor motive, nor want gain, but affection and support to what i believe in, and in faith. Thank you, i hope that is not too much to ask, since i know i am least important and unworthy, in CHRIST, among men, even christian ones. But nevertheless, my given and rightful future second will know that i am no least inferior from them either, if she is a Scriptural spiritual Christian. Please forgive me if i have portrait a wrong motive and intention to you, especially the Orthodoxies and the Righteous ones. And also finally to my grammar and spelling mistakes as well. Until then, to be continued with you, by GOD in CHRIST's will, with you.........
Profession: Building Management
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