Tammie01 "Hi, i'm tammie"
59 year old woman from Dallas, Texas      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About Tammie01
I'm 44 as of today,(5/29/10), Next month is another story though. I think I'm beginning to feel age settling in. ( Update, yep, a year and a month later---age is settling in !!!) I was married at a young age and I have 4 children. I have been divorced sense the mid 90's. Sinse then I dedicated my life to my children who have all blossomed into wonderful young adults; and to my career. Now that my job of raising my children is over, I'm onto new adventures. Finding the things that I like to do; to be honest with you, it isn't easy. My job allows me the luxury of traveling, so I venture off to other cities on my days off just because. I've found that I love going to the cities that lye on the ocean fronts. My favorite thing to do is to just look for that perfect sea shell. Some of my friends say I'm still seeking that ole fantasy of how a relationship should be. I believe that within a relationship, it’s both parties responsibility to make it work. I believe without complete trust, you have nothing. Honesty and integrity follow hand in hand. ((What I'm NOT looking for )) : A person without; A job, Sense of humor, Loving manor, A druggy, Alcoholic, Let’s not leave out the scammers!! What I offer: Me !!!!!!!!!!
Profession: Aviation
Physical Appearance
5' 3"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Have Children?
Yes, they live away from home
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Want Children?
No answer
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