Xaya "Tell me something true"
39 year old man from Chambly, Quebec      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About Xaya
I'm looking for light-hearted fun, soft intimacy, a flirt, a kiss, the woman of my life, a sexy friend, and anything in between... I went all around the world and lived crazy adventures, i'm a warrior of sort but i fight only with my hearth and righteousness for the truth to shine upon us once again. I have deep values of respect and honesty, i need a woman who is true and who can stand for what she believes even in front of someone with strong opposing opinions, but who at the same time has an open mind and is able to reflect with her partner to be able to come to a common understanding and position about important isues and values. I Love to play piano, sing when no one is listening, i love keeping aware of what's going on in the world especially international politics and new advances in science. I love reading a good sci-fi or fantasy book. I'm into trancendental meditation, that is a big part of my life and i need someone who respects that. I love to take a nice walk, have some time with a few friends and have deep conversations or play some games or just party to some cool music and get crazy (altough i don't enjoy that so much anymore). i don't take myself too seriously and I like to be silly at times. I don't like clubs with expansive alcohol, loud ****ty music and so on. I like someone who can dream big but still enjoys the small things of life. I'm really a lot into herbs, healing and improving my life with them. I'm into cristals and semi precious and precious stones as well, i'm very aware of the energy and frequency of things and some of my best friends are from the mineral and vegetal kingdoms ;) yet i'm not a new-age freak, i don't think the world is comming to an end anymore than it has ever been . I believe in the importance of an armed population to resist governent tyrany, yet i don't own a gun myself. I think the world is corrupted inside out, yet that everything is good in a way and life and god always finds a way to make good happen everywhere. I think truth in itself is something complete and omni-sided. its impossible to state something true without also being contradictory, because the truth encompases all facets of a situation, not just an aspect or another of it. this is why all great religious truths are also a mystery to man's mind and seem to contradict themselves. I don't care for opinions, preferences etc. i care for intimate knowledge of the laws of nature and the laws of interaction of energy in every possible systems (including human relationships, economics, etc) gained through direct experience and divine revelation. if your life is about watching tv, making it to the next payday while trying to get your share of the party, well don't loose your time with me because the only thing i can do for you is to shatter your illusions of self-righteousness, and that is usualy a painfull procedure. if you're interested in finding a partner with whom you can explore life in all of its possible range, seek for truth and the divine, to make this world a better place for ourselves and future generations, then you have stumble across the right person ;) I like someone who is strong in her values and principles, yet who is able to question herself and continue to evolve. I don't shy away from taking respnsability for my actions, even when it is very painfull to do so. We all make terrible mistakes at some point in our life, and too often people find a way to blame someone else for their failures and sufferings. i'm looking for someone who is willing to take responsability for herself and her actions , learn from her mistakes and avoid putting the blame on someone else. it takes courage to do so but the reward is great because it gives you power over your own life. Embre the pain People make so many stupid things trying to avoid the pain that comes with their sins. Embrace it and thank god for the intensity of life, knowing that it will all come to p. Deserve victory! After all the **** i've been through i really don't expect life to be anything of a soft and gentle ride anymore. I have faith in God, and in myself, in my strenght and ability to solve any problem on my path. I intend to be victorious , to lead a great life, to eventually found a great and prosperous family, to leave my mark in this world and be remembered for having made this world a better place. i know it wont be given to me but i am determined to create this for myself, and also for the woman i will eventually elect as my queen ;) I have finaly came to realise i will not be able to trully change things for the better and be able to eventually support a family if I fail to take my place within society, so i have just embarked on a long study journey. I want to become a vedic Architect, and desing good-fortune creating homes and monuments. it will take time to get there so if you'r looking for a man who can financially suport you within the next few years you better look elswere. I'd like to find a woman i can respect and love enough that I will want to be loyal and devoted to her for the rest of my life. I want someone who doesnt make vows lightely and understands the meaning of commitment, and by that I mean a woman who is not going to take a greater commitment than what she can really offer, or what she really wants to offer. If I love you I will take what you have to offer when you offer it, and will not reject you for lack of offering more right away. i don't want a girl who's still mind controled by her parents and acts like a victim all the time not being able to handle her own emotions. I am quite health oriented (appart from my holy addiction to tobaco ;) ) , i love using herbs toheal myself and help my body become stronguer and healthier, i love cooking really nice healthy vegetarian food (i can also cook meat real well but it,s not part of my diet), and i'm particularly motivated to do so when there is a lovely lady i can cook for. I intend to live to be over 100, there are lots of things iwant to do and 60 years or so is not long enough! As far as intimacy goes, I think love making is sacred and should be treated as such. it can be a pathway to communion with God just as it can be an open door to the most evil spirits. I have known both these outcomes in the past, and i am not interested in the later! I take pleasure, satisfaction and pride in giving bliss and making my woman feel like a queen, or better yet a Godess. I need a woman who can handle being divinely and unconditionally loved without getting a big head out of it. My name is ......, but I also like to be called Xaya or Trance. I consider the two later (xaya and trance) as compliments when someone calls me like this, so you know what to call me if you want to talk sweet to me ;) If you're still interested after reading all of this, then by all mean please don't be shy and give me a sign! I'll be happy to know you by the way i'm writing this in english but my mother tongue is french (or i should say Quebecois!!) , altough i am now just as fluent in english than french, for having lived in USA, Australia, having been married to an american woman, and now studying in Concordia University. Take care, Trance ''Ainsi, en choisisant dans le present ton interpretation du pé, tu cree ton future. C’est l’essence meme de la liberté. '' (moi) '' By choosing in the present your interpretation of the past, you create your future. This is the essence of liberty'' (Trance) 'Do not worry, Time is your friend There is no end, To eternity' (Xaya) 'Ride the wave of destruction' (trance) 'The battlefield is Within' (trance) ' Chaque instant est un présent' (Xaya) 'The Enemy is hiding behind your pain. Embre the pain, and you will win this game' (from Revolver) 'Deserve Victory' (terry goodkind) 'Those willing to trade off their freedom for more security deserve neither' (some founding father of america) ' Give me liberty , or give me death!' (Jefferson...)
Profession: student
Physical Appearance
5' 9"
Body type
A few extra pounds
White / Caucasian
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