Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?"
It's amazing that the amount of news that happens in the world everyday always just exactly fits the newspaper.
I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder.
Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.
When your dreams turn to dust, it's time to vacuum.
Always borrow money from a pessimist. He won't expect it back.
Wealthy people miss one of life's greatest thrills. Making the last car payment.
Doing nothing is very hard to do, you never know when you're finished.
Never argue with a fool. People might not know the difference.
(one of my rules,rule 1).
The guy who invented the first wheel was an idiot; The guy who invented the other three, he was the genius.
You changed my world with a blink of an eye
That is something that I can not deny
You put my soul from worst to best
That is why I treasure you my dearest Marites
You just don't know what you have done for me
You even pushed me to the best that I can be
You really are an angel sent from above
To take care of me and shower with love
When I'm with you I will not cry even a single a tear
And your touch have chased away all of my fear
You have given me a life that I could live worthwhile
It is even better everytime you smile
It so magical those things you've made
To bring back my faith that almost fade
Now my life is a dream come true
It all began when I was loved by you
Now I have found what I am looking for
It's you and your love and nothing more
Co'z you have given me this feeling of contentment
In my life something I've never felt
I wish I could talk 'til the end of day
But now I'm running out of things to say
So I'll end by the line you already know
"I LOVE YOU" more than what I could show
Profession: Professional WRC car pilot (driver). www.wrc.com