whO Am I thIs iS a tRiCy qUesTioN to anSweR......as I tHinK oF mYseLf aS verY diPloMatiC, ClevEr, GeNioUs, HoneSt,aNd tHe lIsT gOes oN & oN... I aDmiT tHat I haVe a lIl bIt oF aTUde bUt i nEveR sHow iT to mY friEnDs,,,,, I stRonGlY beLieVe iN leArN fRom da pAst, liVe fOr da PreSent aNd hOpE fOr tHe FutuRe....vErY mUcH aDdictEd to chEck mySelF inTo mirrOr veRy mUch inTo FashiOn,,,
i aM mE...i oWn eVerYtHinG aBouT me, evErYthiNg tHat coMes oUt of Me is aUtheNticaLly mIne coZ I aloNe cHoosE iT....soMe peOplE sHow aTTituDes ovEr herE i wiLL suGGest u to bEttEr oFF thAt wAy....
Profession: student