verraschig "Wonder if she is her"
62 year old man from Montreal, Quebec      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About verraschig
Write a brief blurb about yourself... A blurb... what is a blurb ? ...a promotional description, as found on the jackets of books... Promotional... book-jacket... What about...: The content of this book can't be judged by its cover, one has to read it and to open ones mind to really see what is written behind this superficial sounding words as for those who can read, there is a treasour hidden here and for those who speed read, there is pleasure and light-heartedness to be found. For those who look, there are nice and amusing stories to be read, for those who look and can see, there is a profound and meaningful soul to be discovered. For those who listen, it is a tale of adventure, in travel and in events, fascinating and colour-rich. For those who hear, there is a source of wisdom hidden. A tale about a man who has lived a lot, seen the world and still is on the search of his fulfilment, as there can not be a ONE without the other... Critics of the past highly regard this author as brilliant, as different, as caring, loving, tender and giving, as someone who takes life as it comes, makes the best out of it and ends up with telling everyone that he knows only one thing... and that is... ...that he knows nothing... The tale is of a life of unusual sort and every reader is invited to draw her own conclusions and all you have to do... to type a word or two you self... Bernd b e r n d k o e n e m a n n @ h o t m a i l . c o m
Profession: Have one - actually, several
Physical Appearance
6' 3"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
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