Sharkai "No "con men" or batterers need apply. not interested. real men say hi!"
77 year old woman from Kingsley Field, Oregon      Looking for friendship Last seen over a month ago
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About Sharkai
I work in a fly fishing lodge in California but I make Oregon my home. I was born and spent a good deal of my life in Alaska. My interests tell what I enjoy doing on my off time. I think that if I make a friend of someone that I know how to be a friend to that person. To me it is Accepting you as you are, Believing in "you" when you can not believe in yourself. Calls you just to say "HI" not always waiting for you to call, Doesn't give up ! ! on you, Envisions the whole of you (even the unfinished parts), Forgiving your mistakes, Gives unconditionally with wisdom, Not to be mistaken of meeting your needs you can meet for yourself, helps you carry your burdens when you are falling under the load, Invites you over for no reason except to spend time together. Keeps you close at heart and loves you for who you are not what you have. Makes a difference in your life and enriches it. Never Judges you or your decisions but offers support. Picks you up when you are down. Quiets your fears and raises your spirits by saying nice things about you. Tells you the truth when you need to hear it but does so without trying to control your decisions. Understands you, values you, walks beside you, explains thing you don't understand, yells when you won't listen so you can hear and zaps you back to reality when you need it. Oh and by the way I think that is why in this life we make few friends. Most people are self absorbed and hate the truth. I am kind but refuse to let the bad behavior of others come down on my life. Maybe most men like damsels in distress, or women who support their butts. I am neither. I am not afraid of the dark, Spiders, mice or bugs. I Love to laugh as long as it is not at the expense of someone else. I AM NOT your Mamma, your maid, or eye candy. At this time in my life I want peace. That does not mean smooth sailing, as I know in this life there is much sorrow.
Profession: Lodge Cook, Paralegal, Motel Manager, Secretary.
Physical Appearance
< 5'
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Have Children?
Yes, sometimes they live at home
Christian - Other
Want Children?
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