GlassWalker "Not creating a first-impression that i can't live up to."
42 year old man from Broomfield, Colorado      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About GlassWalker
This is supposed to be where I pretend to be a salesman and pitch the product that is me, right? Alright. Sure. I'm Justin, and I'm a (more or less) recent Denver transplant from the East coast; Georgia to be exact. At the age of twenty-eight I reached my capacity of monotony (and BS) and left six and a half years of Defense Contracting for the U.S. government to come out here to enroll in Johnson & Wales' Culinary program. I like it out here, far, far better than Georgia - on the climate's merit alone. Though I've only really had the opportunity to explore the areas between my job, apartment, and school. Anyone care to play tour-guide? On to the core of it: I have several "geek" interests, and others that are not. I like cars, and motorcycles - and can maintain and repair either of them. I also can build a computer from the ground up, in addition to maintaining and repairing it as well. I used to go to the shooting range with my friends back home quite a bit, I've just not had the time to locate one and/or become a member. Mythologies fascinated me growing up, and I'll read or watch almost anything that is based in them. I have two piercings, down from the twelve I used to possess. I'm inked also. I worked at a video store as a teen and, due to that, I'm a big movie buff. I love music (chiefly hip-hop), more so that most do - I think. I still watch cartoons and enjoy them immensely. My favorite holiday is Halloween, by far. I enjoy most of the elements of design and architecture... and it really should go without saying that I'm [u]quite fond[/u] of cooking...I'd love to own my own restaurant someday (soon) - nothing too fancy, just good food for chill people in a down-to-earth atmosphere. I'm big into respect; could be due to the geographic location of my upbringing or the cultures I was raised in as well. I want to have a partner, a friend, a teammate - an equal - not a doormat. I expect the woman I'm with to be able to tell if I'm screwing up, and that she expect the same from me. And another thing ladies, chivalry isn't dead - maybe ham-stringed a little, but not dead. I will always have my woman's back, even if you're wrong - so long as you've good reason for it. I'm here mainly because I'm new to the area and, generally, don't have a lot of time between cles and working to meet that someone. That, and I'm often concerned with the caliber of woman one might pick up in a bar. Work smarter, not harder - right? I'm not filling this out in hopes of being someone's two a.m. booty call, nor do I have aspirations of doing anything similar to the women on here. Encounters as such are shallow by nature, never work out in the long run, and benefit no one, really. Not looking for marriage, either (that doesn't mean ever, just not right now). That's a little too close for comfort for me. I've been engaged - twice; And was cheated on two weeks, and three months before "I do", respectively. While the third time may really be the charm - I'm just not willing to venture down that path for sometime. However, that shouldn't be misinterpreted as not wanting to be in a committed relationship, because that's a goal I don't mind working towards. You: While I do not have some "type" of woman I gravitate towards, I should point out that I ~generally~ date outside of my "race". My track record being what it is; it stands to reason that I'm attracted to Mediterranean, Middle-Eastern, and Hispanic women --- there is more than an a superficial reason for this, if you'd like to know, you're more than welcome to ask. ;) Please be open-minded when it comes to religion...or, in my case, a lack thereof. I don't think it'll be (as much of) an issue here in Denver - but this was the cause of constant grief in Georgia. I can be with (and respect) someone who has there own Faith, but it cannot be a one-way street. You cannot weigh as much as, or more than, me (point of reference; I'm 6' 1" - 280 lbs.). No Drugs, or at the ~very least~, no drugs around me. Yes, pot counts. Smokers should be aware that while smoking isn't a deal-breaker, your chances aren't very strong out of the gate. Please, do not cheat, lie, steal or otherwise be dishonest in any fashion. If you know how to ride on the back of a motorcycle - awesome. Hell, if you have your own bike, even better. Gamers get extra credit, by the way. If you like to cook we've got quite a bit in common already. Last, and certainly not least, if the two of us decide to commit to going out / meeting up, don't stand me up - it's disrespectful and there are no second chances for that.
Profession: Government Defense Contractor
Physical Appearance
6' 1"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
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