Aggierocker777 "The food network is the greatest invention ever!!"
40 year old man from College Station, Texas      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About Aggierocker777
Okay, well maybe not the GREATEST invention ever (that belongs to Peanut Butter :P). But it's pretty close! During the day I'm a successful Safety Administrator and AutoCAD drafter. I love my job and all my hard work has really begun to pay off. So now I really just want to enjoy the good life. Interested in joining me? Well, dinner is always a good place to start. I have to admit though, I'm somewhat of a food snob. At least that's what my friends say. But its cool, because at nearly twenty six cheap beer and hamburgers don't really cut it anymore. Is there really something so wrong with enjoying great food and good wine? I mean come on, you work hard all day and have more than enough responsibilities. Doesn't it just seem right to really be able to enjoy all the "better" things life has to offer? Like tasty food, great seats to a concert or a ball game or even getaways to the mountains or the beach (I'll let you guess which one I'm the most into :D). There's just so much else out there that spending time in a bar, swilling cheap beer and having the same conversations over and over again is hardly my idea of getting the most out of life. What do you think?
Profession: Safety Administrator and AutoCAD Drafter
Physical Appearance
5' 9"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
Have Children?
Christian - Other
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