Ok, that's it. I give!
Every time someone tries to talk to me from an online site, they end up saying something retarded.
I am no longer checking any of these emails and will not respond anymore. I'm leaving this message here to provide slight insight into a woman:
1. We do not want you to call us honey, baby, or tell us we are yummy! You are a stranger and it is no different than walking up to a total stranger in Walmart and saying something like that...It's just inappropriate!
2. Expecting someone to be physical with you within 3 meetings is ridiculous! Example you run into someone at the grocery store, and say hello politely. Then you run into them again a few days later at the gas station. Then you see them once more a few days later at a restaurant. Would you expect this person to be ready to kiss you or have sex with you? No, that would be silly! Yet, men dating online continue to act as if it acceptable to expect someone they met online to want to kiss them or more after three meetings.
3. It is not unreasonable to try to get to know someone before actually determining if you want to date them. Actually it is unreasonable not to.
However, I have been so completely offended by all men that have attempted to date me from online sites that I am quitting!
Good bye.
Profession: Marketing