optrigon "The odds are good, but the goods are odd..."
70 year old man from Carpinteria, California      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About optrigon
The Odds are GOOD, but The Goods are Odd... I keep Goats as pets, rather than Dog's, Being slightly different is to be me... I live in a small Beach Town in California, and there have always been Big Signs at the Beach that read ( NO DOGS ON BEACH ) long before they posted these signs at the beach I use to walk my Australian Shepards on the beach, but these day's I walk my Goats on The Beach, this drives the power that be into a frenzy, and I love it... :banana: Goats actually cost very little to Feed and maintain, because they eat Brush, this caused me to think about what I have been eating all of my life, and the fact that I have always been over weight, something that has clearly been out of my controle, but My Goats eat digest and poop 24 hours a day & days a week, but they are not FAT, this is because what they eat is good for them... There is a Book Written by Linda Runyon, about Wild Edible Plants, I keep my Goats in The Coastal Foothills where all of The Edbile Plants in Linds Book Grow, the fact is that my Goats Chow Down on 100% of These plants... So I started Collecting these plants and consuming them, NOT bought Food, and Guess What ??? I started Loosing Weight and feeling healthy for the first time in my life... So My Goats actually Tought me something I have raised Nubians, Boer, Nigerians,Alpines... Right now I have 2 Nigerian Does, and 2 Boer Bucks, we also have an Alpine/Boer Buck and 2 preggy Nubian/Boer Does in out Los Angles Yard... Goats produce a High Grade, non-fat Milk and Goats are Good Friends, I think most times better that people... I wanted to be different, so I got some Goats, I still seek a Good woman, but after looking for over 30 years, I fear they just might be Exstinct... However I retain an open mind, on this subject...
Profession: Firewood Man, Alturnative Energy, JAFO
Physical Appearance
6' 1"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
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