AceIshtar "It's [tiffany], *****."
35 year old woman from Dickinson, Texas      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About AceIshtar
Hey, I’m Tiffany. I’m currently single. So let's talk. =] I AM a SENIOR in high school!I am known for dancing crazy in my car/house/school/mall/middle of a store/street... My Favorite color is blue. My favorite band is either The Used or Breaking Benjamin. My favorite place is in my shower. I love to laugh and smile. I like to meet new people. And make other people laugh. I love laughing until it hurts. I love to try new things. I love giggling at absolutely nothing. I can be pretty random at times and I also tend to get bored easily. My room can't stay clean for more than three days at a time, lol. I love to sing. I like any type of restaurant. I LOVE to go watch movies.I like to write. I like to hang out, meet new people, go to parties, and shop...when I have munnies. My goal is to make at least one person smile a day. Music is my life. Yes a lot of people say this, but truly it is my life. The little small things that you might do, mean a lot to me. I think about things way too much.. and it's beginning to annoy me. My hair isn't always perfect and neither is my make up. But I like not being perfect. I learn from my mistakes. And I regret nothing. I forgive, but I don't forget. My pion lies in Japan. I’m obsessed with the Japanese culture. I hate things that waste my time. I take really long showers when something is bothering me. I despise Disney for making me believe that everything has a happy ending. I can't wait for the responsibility of being on my own. After I get out of school, I plan to be Surgical Nurse. Yeah, I talk a lot. =]
Profession: Student
Physical Appearance
5' 7"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
Have Children?
Christian - Other
Want Children?
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