MzMelanieSue "2 be or not 2 b"
61 year old woman from Sparta, Wisconsin      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About MzMelanieSue
Say what I mean and mean what I say. No games here, head or otherwise. Only mature, real Men need reply. My hobbies include spending as much time as possible with the light of my life who is my Grandson and brings joy and happiness to my heart. He is an amazing child, a ray of golden sunshine. To know him is to love him. I get to live a second child hood thru him. I get to play marbles, and dump trucks and big wheels and get on the floor and play with him while his imagination takes me with him. I used to race stock car and won track championship racing against the men several years ago. After my divorce I stopped racing because my ex was the one with the skill and expertise in engine building and car set up. I can drive like h e double toothpicks, but he knows all the tricks. Can't compete good enuff without his expertise so since the divorce don't race regularly anymore but do enter a Novelty race here and there. I read a good deal, mostly true crime, non fiction, current events, the Police Blotter and what the good ol boy's in this town have to say in the lil newspaper they put out here. I love fishing but need a good man who will put the worm on for me and take the fish off the hook. I am very much a homebody, whether alone or especially with my Man. I take good care of him, cooking, cleaning, laundry, and take pride in taking good care of him in ways that I can. I expect him to return the favors by taking care of me in the ways that he can. I don't do the bar scene but do enjoy going out to shoot pool with my Man and have a few drinks. I very rarely drink and when I do it is just a few. In addition, I live in a little town where it is the same old scene, the same old meat market, with the same old bar flies. What makes me unique is my strong set of personal code of ethics and character I have worked hard to build and my warped sense of humor. I like to think I am strong and confident in myself. Can talk about just about anything and sometimes do talk too much. I love to laff, I love to have fun, I love to feel young at heart, I love to play. I love to be the one to put the smile on my lover's face and the laughter I can bring out in him. I love to be close to my Man physically and emotionally. I love to be able to look across the room or the table and catch his eye to share a twinkle in each other's eyes and a so so sexy smile we both know what it means without having to speak a word. (Okay...maybe I might have to stick out the tip of my tongue and lightly lick my lips) but the message is pretty clear. I want to feel that rush in my heart and my body tingle when I see him and even think about him. It has to be a true rush, a true spark. It has to be the real thing. I can't/won't fake what I don't feel strong inside me. Why? I only want the real thing and I know it when I feel it. I giggle a little bit when I so often read people saying "No Drama! Don't bring no Drama into my life!" LIfe is drama in one form or another. Love is certainly a form of drama. I personally think it boils down to "how much of a "Drama Diva or Queen" are you?" How do you handle life's ups and downs and in betweens? I believe in being a good person. I don't play games. I say what I mean and mean what I say. I am honest and open. I make honest mistakes but won't play games with your head or your heart. I can admit when I am wrong. I believe in helping people -not hurting them. I believe in compion, empathy, honesty, integrity, kindness, and doing onto others as you would have done on to you. I have a pretty good built in bullsh*t detector. I might not get the radar up immediately but I have pretty good insight and instinct. Also need a Man strong enuff emotionally and physically to be my match and help keep me in my place when need be. lol Please don't waste my time. I won't waste yours.
Profession: Independent Paralegal/Small Business Owner
Physical Appearance
5' 7"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Have Children?
Yes, they live away from home
Christian - Other
Want Children?

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