24 year old bi-sexual college student with a fiance currently living... well, not here.
I have two sides of me. The rated G side that my family gets to see, and I enjoy being when the time is right... and the rated R side that wants to dance sexily with sexy girls.
I'm decently easy to get along with, but since I am shy, it's pretty hard to meet friends.
I enjoy hanging out with friends, family, kids, and love cats.
I'm known for being creative, hyper (sometimes) loyal (always) and online as an amature girl ;-D
I've been known to write huge letters to people, so if you like mindless rambling, I love you already!!
I love the paranormal! But I totally scare easily.
I love being on stage,singing, dancing, but I'm a wall flower in big settings.
I talk about sex way to much.
I love music! showtunes, T.a.t.u, popish stuff, Gackt, sappy japanese love songs, Clic Rock and an odd Godhead every once in a while.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE reading and watching horror movies. Even more when its about the paranormal!!
I'm known for trying to set up asian horror movie nights!
and most importantly, I love having friends. I love having one great great friend to hang out with HOURS just doing random things with, but I have a major case of being too shy to talk to people first.
Profession: Student