Chrissc803 "Looking for my other...or a friend in the mean time"
51 year old man from North Augusta, South Carolina      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About Chrissc803
UPDATED APRIL 17TH, 2011: Unfortunately, I'm still snarky, way too picky, quirky and insatiable. But on the plus side, I've recently been able to officially add "Adorable" to my list of qualifications. :) UPDATED APRIL 27TH, 2010: So I should update the info below, but I prefer to leave this as more of a stream so you can see where I came from. ;) The latest is that much has changed regarding what you'll see in the older information below. I've finally gotten serious about my health and fitness. Over the last two months, I've lost 25 pounds…I'm only 10 away from my goal now…so it's time to bulk up. It's completely AMAZING to me how much of a difference this makes in just about everything I do physically. The effort I went through for this also gives me an entirely new respect for that person who whines about not being able to lose weight. I always thought they were clearly just lazy, in some cases that may be true; in others, I feel for 'em…this weight loss thing is hard work! LOL The degree is finished and I am FINALLY a college graduate. Only took me 17 years…speaking of lazy. ;) Funny thing is, I was still working on the last cl when I received an eMail one morning saying, "oh yeah…you're done. Congrats!" Not exactly those words, but that's what it amounted to. Apparently there had been a change to my program which someone forgot to tell me about. Suddenly becoming a graduate from one minute to the next did kill that whole anticipation thing you'd get from actually graduating normally though. Not sure how I feel about that, but I'm done. So, it's not all bad. I've also finally found out the job requirements in this job of mine. Naturally, I didn't agree with said requirements, and have proceeded to completely change them to my liking. :) I'm now completely comfortable, but as always, looking for something to allow greater freedom. I've also gotten some focus over the past year or so. That focus has helped me realize more of what I'm looking for in a long-term partner. What I'm looking for long-term does eliminate most everyone I know, so the search becomes even more important. I'm now looking for someone who is self-sufficient. That's not to say a loner, or in need of alone time. By self-sufficient I mean they have a bit of country girl streak. At the very least they know how to do a little gardening and don't mind getting dirt under their nails. They don't pee their pants when a gun goes off, and they know which direction the sun comes up in the morning. ;) A greater wealth of knowledge in these areas would be an ever greater plus. That's not to say I'm not interested in meeting others who don't fit that mold, because we all need to surround ourselves with a variety of people with a variety of skills and interests. As far as long-term partners go though, it's kinda a requirement. UPDATED OCTOBER 18TH, 2009: Most people would describe me as a happy-go-lucky, sweet, soft, caring smart a$$. ;) If you asked me, I'd say I'm a slightly sarcastic, fun loving guy, who is continually finding himself (and not knowing how he got there), and an old fashioned softy at heart. Even though I lived away for 10 years I still have a strong "southern gentleman" streak. So if you're offended by little things like doors held open for you...I will greatly offend you. I turned 36 a couple of months ago, but until I tell people how old I am, most think I'm only in my late 20's…ok…VERY late 20‘s. That may come from working at a college for the past six years and picking up some bad habits...I'm working on that. ;) Six years of relationship (which ended about seven months ago now) has left me a little unprepared for the single life. Apparently, I'd gotten a bit complacent and let myself go. I'm working on that already though and my trainer tells me I'll be back to a nice fit condition within a couple of months (UPDATE: Yeah…he told me that a couple of months ago…he just said it again last week…so yeah…who knows). I am slowly getting myself back into shape physically, mentally and otherwise. Dating, New Friendships and Life (ALL UPDATED): I’ve been using the online sites for dating over the last few months. I’ve had some good results and some…well…not so good. Ummm…if you need me to pick you up because your Ex shot out your tires last night…I’m probably not interested. LOL Found one lady I liked a lot, but after a month or two, she decided I was a serial monogamist, which broke some rule or other, so here I am again. I do have to say she must have been right though, because I’m still stinging a little from that one. I plan to be MUCH more careful from here own out…so expect a little more vetting. I’ve just come to realize that somewhere in the last decade, I’ve realized I can do anything I set my mind to…problem is…I don’t want to do most of it alone. For someone who has been extremely independent since early childhood, that’s a tough pill to swallow. I’m still exploring what that means, but my outlook has changed significantly even just in the last year. I’ve realized I’m learning something new from everyone I meet lately…some good, some bad, but all enlightening. All of which is helping me to understand myself better, as well as those around me. For instance, even though I have no interest in having children on an intellectual level, I’m realizing that there is nothing sweeter than the sounds of a happy baby. I give my food to the needy guy who shows up at my door, or find him some work to do so he can feel he has earned help when I give him cash; and, I give bowls of milk to the little stray cats around the neighborhood. I used to chase both off with brooms. LOL So somewhere in there, something is awakening. Could I be growing up!? No way! ;) for fun: Dinner and a Movie. Playing hookie at a good coffee shop with friends. Hanging out at a local tavern or bar for fun and drinks. Concocting hair-brained schemes of world domination and general mayhem. my job: Recently promoted to "Interim Director of Client Services" at the University where I work. I have no idea what that actually means though. Is that bad? I just know I have an office with four walls that actually go all the way to the ceiling! ;) (UPDATE: OK…I now know that means I do the the work of three people and barely get paid for the work of one. However, I've recently spent two months trying to get a much better paying job at another local university, only to decide as I received a job offer, that there is much more to life than more money. I may finally be beginning to understand a few important things about life…who knows…anything is possible.) my education: I'll have a B.S. within the next two months...OR...I'll owe Uncle Sam a whole lotta money. One of the two. The tea leaves are a little inconclusive on that at the moment and my 8 Ball has a leak. (UPDATE: Due to my allowing other things to cloud my brain back about seven months ago ;) I missed an important piece of paperwork which means I’ve now got to finish one last cl to get that degree. Should be done by the end of January.) I’ve also just started a writing course I’d been wanting to do for years. I haven’t taken one in nearly a decade, but writing is something that I’m beginning to enjoy again. favorite hot spots: Lived in Colorado for about nine years and wish I had never had to leave. I've been back for seven years and found some favorite spots, but it's time to build new memories and start new adventures. I’ve also realized I really like the Irmo, SC, area, and managed to build some nice memories up there recently…which have now become bitter sweet. So yeah…still looking for a new favorite place.
Profession: IT Director
Physical Appearance
5' 10"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
Have Children?
Christian - Other
Want Children?
Your History With Chrissc803