Supreme_Pizza "On sale limited time only! 10% off"
54 year old man from Granite City, Illinois      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About Supreme_Pizza
Well I'm looking for more than messaging, phone calls and chat. If you're looking for someone down to earth I may be the guy. I'm a slow mover that prefers to take things naturally. I attempt to be honest to the best of my ability, and am an independent thinker. Below is a list of some things I enjoy. I've also included a couple definitions for things since I got messages asking what my interests were. Below that I added a few quotes for a little more insight and sillyness. Hobbys/interests: Dreamweaver, Photoshop, MaxScript, Visual Studio and Lua are a few of my hobbies along with my listed interests. I've also been attempting to learn Japanese with Rosetta Stone for a few months now. CG = Computer Generated graphics I do 3d modeling, animating Flash etc. Mostly particle effects with Particle Flow toolkit, Afterburn, FumeFX, and Krakatoa which are plugins for 3ds Max's PFlow. Compositing = film editing in layers. For instance laying an occlusion p over a live action plate then the 3d animation over that. Still don't get it? There's tons of compositing when you watch the news, from text over the video, to the radar screen, or the weather map. Favorite quotes: Ralph Waldo Emerson: "Nothing can bring you peace but yourself." Sun Tzu "You have to believe in yourself." Sun Tzu: "Opportunities multiply as they are seized." Denis Leary: "I like football, o, and books about war." Albert Einstein: "If I were to start taking care of my grooming, I would no longer be my own self ... so the hell with it ... I will continue to be unconcerned about it, which surely has the advantage that I'm left in peace by many a fop who would otherwise come to see me." Jack Handy: "Most of the time it was probably real bad being stuck down in a dungeon. But some days, when there was a bad storm outside, you'd look out your little window and think, ``Boy, I'm glad I'm not out in THAT.''"
Profession: Web Master / Developer / Whatever / Guy
Physical Appearance
6' 2"
Body type
White / Caucasian
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Yes, they live away from home
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