protonicboss "Please don't judge me by my writing skills ;)"
51 year old man from Surrey, British Columbia      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About protonicboss
I like one-liners and clever/funny comments and zingers "can" be hilarious!. I've had more than one woman say that I'm the nicest guy they've ever met. I don't try to be nice, I just try to treat people how I would like to be treated. I like to go out to get fresh air or to fun events but I also like to stay in and play cards or a board game or watch a movie. Right now I am seeking work as a web designer and consultant helping to guide client's through the process of branding and building their websites. I also work on the creative and coding side of things. I love my career and I try to take the time to expand my knowledge and skills when I can. So here's a synopsis of some key things about my personality: ME • I like to joke with people that get my humor :) • I honestly feel that every person is good at their core • I'm trustworthy • I appreciate art, culture, music and great beauty ;) • I have alot of experience with branding and graphic design for the web and I taught myself how to code front-end stuff too. Database design and understanding is next on my list of things to learn to help my career. • I enjoy spontaneity and new experiences • I'm the nice type • I enjoy star gazing • I always wanted to take hip hop lessons, break dancing and house dancing lessons. • I've been known to inspire unique conversations YOU • you're funny too just like I'm funny and we can play off of each others funniness but still get serious when it's time to be serious • you enable people and try to inspire them to follow their dreams • you are affectionate and attentive • you are curious about life's riddles and secrets • weather does not dictate your mood with the exception of extreme weather conditions • You like to go outside and play sometimes and stay inside and play other times • you won't mind going for a row on the lake with me every once in a while • You believe that positive deeds equal positive rewards • you're very down to earth if this sounds at all interesting to you...maybe we should chat? :)
Profession: Graphic Designer/Wen Developer
Physical Appearance
5' 11"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
Have Children?
Christian - Other
Want Children?
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