I'm currently a senior at Purdue University majoring in computer science (we write the payroll software ;P ) and minoring in psychology. I enjoy clic rock music, mostly from the 70's, but I'll listen to most other music as long as it's not new country/hip hop. Intelligence is quite a turn on for me, I'm not looking for a genius here, but some (un)common sense goes a long ways.
I don't smoke or drink and tend to only hang out with people who are the same way. I know too many people who drink and act like complete fools as it is, I would like to keep the numbers low.
I love watching tv, mostly comedies; among them are Scrubs, Golden Girls, Star Trek(nerd alert :P), Who's Line, Jon and Kate plus 8. Honestly I like to do about anything as long as there's good company involved.
If you want to talk just send me a message.
Profession: full-time student