Hi, there! i am a very unusual individual, searching for someone with my same level "unusual" and "outthere-ness!!" I like to run and play in the woods, and am very connected to my therian side, as well as with nature and all animals. i am a peaceful person of Medicine (shaman), and feel as though i am a wolf at heart. I can often be found howling with wolves and running and playing alongside random dogs. through my own life-changing experiences, i long ago abandoned my former skeptic self for a self that believes literally ANYTHING is possible. I strive for a life of no bounds; a life where i am not forced to be someone i am not, but rather accepted for who i am. i am looking for someone much like me, who's a little on the "weird" side, who just "gets" it and embraces me for who i really am. Let's just say i am done hiding.
Profession: artist and animal photographer