Patrick4love123 "Seeking long-term laughter"
56 year old man from Orlando, Florida      Looking for relationship Last seen over a month ago
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About Patrick4love123
I'm a good-hearted person who is funny, out-going, witty, honest, down-to-earth, talkative, energetic/animated, often forgetful and can never p by a baby/puppy without making a comment. I am very happy with who I am, and I'm looking for someone with the same qualities (well, except the forgetful part - I need YOU to help ME remember where I parked my I'm also looking for someone who already has their life together and is happy but wants a relationship to ENHANCE their life's experience. I don't care for: men without a sense of humor, men who can't keep up their end of a conversation (quiet men), men who don't find children fantastically fun to be around, men who can't be nice to strangers, smokers/tobacco chewers, sports fanatics (I'm okay with you having a favorite team and supporting them, but what I'm NOT okay with is you ignoring me as you sit in front of the TV ALL day/weekend watching sports), men shorter than 5'9, men with road rage, men who cuss excessively, men who don't care about their looks (body/clothes/hair style), men who spit/fart in public, marijuana users (or ANY drug) or men who have to drink daily. Now, back to me...for those of you left who have made it this far down my profile....rofl...I'm a 3rd grade teacher - which is the perfect career for me: I love children, love being silly (although, I DO know when to be serious!), full of energy and I'm really good at breaking things down to an understandable level (even to adults!). It's a difficult job and lots of work outside of the clroom, but I love it!! :) My future career goals are to become a Reading Specialist within the next 5 years, and eventually become a School Psychologist. :) Later on, I'd like to own my own company - either a daycare business or a tutoring business (like Sylvan Learning, but less expensive for the low-income families who need it the most). As for my family life, I have 3 children. The youngest(he's 8)lives with me part time and his dad part time, and my other two (daughters) are 24 and 22....they're out of the house. Wooooo Hoooooo!!!!! lol I must say though, while I'm glad the girl drama is out of the house, they ARE both wonderful, respectable members of society, and we are very close. So for the single dads out there needing parenting advice, I'll be glad to help you out (not RAISING THEM for, maybe WITH you....wink....but aside from that, I don't mind lending an ear or giving advice) ;) See? that wasn't so bad! you survived ALL that reading and hopefully now you realize I'm the one for you....if that's the me....don't nudge...EMAIL....sweep me off my feet with something hilarious!
Profession: computer engineer
Physical Appearance
5' 7"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
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Yes, they live away from home
No answer
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