BOSSmusicman "Music+passion=me"
41 year old man from Cameron, Missouri      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About BOSSmusicman
Ignore what's below the line. My situation has changed and have met someone and we've agreed to see each other exclusively. Happy hunting out there! :) ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ Okay figured it was time to update this :) Okay ladies the main thing I see is "He has to have his own place, his own car, not live with mom, good with kids, and 100% single." I am or have all of those things but I'm not ready to let just anybody in :D Any woman serious about having a relationship with me will have to be mature enough to understand I have joint custody of my kids and have them 5-6 days a week. Because of this arrangement I must see my ex-wife on a regular basis so....all you insanely jealous, immature, drama stirring hussies need not know who you are lol. I'm going EXTREMELY slow this go around...and mainly out of protection for my kids. I'm not bringing just anyone around the best thing in the world. I have an off the wall, very sarcastic, George Carlinesque style of humor and it's not for everyone lol. Also hardcore bible thumpers need not apply as well. I do have a personal relationship with god... and he told me he doesn't like you :p The last and second most important trait a woman must have is she has to believe in me. I'm a musician and recording artist who has played for 16 years and really hitting it hard this year. This site forbids me from sharing my site with you so if you're interested in me the first thing you're getting is a link to listen to my music lol. Because other then my kids there's only one thing even close to that level of importance and that's my music. So there it is, hope to hear from ya :)
Profession: Hotel Night Clerk
Physical Appearance
6' 0"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Have Children?
Yes, sometimes they live at home
Christian - Other
Want Children?
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