chachacha "Foolish with wisdom and wise with sillyness . . ."
56 year old woman from Earth, Oregon      Looking for friendship Last seen over a month ago
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About chachacha
almost 44 . bohemian at heart . contagious enthusiasm . sensual . educated . intelligent . genuine . dark . curvy/voluptuous/thick . soft . half mexican/half irish . 5'3" . hair used to fall just above my elbows in length but i cut 13 inches off and donated it to locks of love . organic . embracing and loving life . intuitive . loving . free spirit with grounded conviction. i do not have the body that seems most desired in society today, but i am very happy with my body, so i would much rather not waste your time or mine with possible interest only to find i am too short, full and soft for you . . . i do have fotos that i am willing to share if this is something you feel necessary. my ambition is generally defined on a daily basis . . . keeping it that way allows me to attain, maintain and make the best of even unexpected goals. i am convinced daily success will lead me to where i want to be. i laugh everyday, share everyday and more importantly learn everyday from all of my life experience . . . good and bad. my blessings show in every smile i make and word i say. my physical beauty as with all people, lies in the eyes of the beholder. i am very organic about the way i look and do not fall into any typical social categories. i study hula and belly dancing and i dance with fire . . i surf with my body like i was meant to (la sirena) and with a board too! (poorly, but love every minute of it) . . the ocean is a part of who i am . . music is as important as air to me . . i love photographing people, painting, and cooking . . . I WRITE EVERYDAY. i love to dance anywhere anytime. i sing out loud anywhere. i dream for other people. i share almost everything. i like to skip. laughing as much as possible is my daily ambition. i want to know what everyone wants and then i want to help them get it. i believe in people that don't believe in themselves. i live what i love and teach what i have learned, and learn from everyone and everything good and bad. i love life on earth and believe in humanity. the gift of choice is the greatest of all, especially if we use it wisely. i would love to know you have read this so if you wish to send me a message remember to write "i get ya" in the subject line. Smiling. for the record . . . i rarely wear make up, everything i have is mine . . . eyebrows, s, booty, stretchmarks, teeth, hair, nails, lips . . . all me all natural.
Profession: life coach . ayurvedic practioner . fire dancer
Physical Appearance
5' 3"
Body type
A few extra pounds
Latino / Hispanic
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Yes, they live at home
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