I happen to have the golden opportunity of American and african parenthood.A very very great experience.I derive great pleasure hearing my mum speak the african language,so I am very much in touch with my root.
My opinion means so much to me,so it takes someone dependable and reliable to adjust my decision.
I read engineering with special reference to "marketing and installation of power transfomers"so I am either in the US or out on biz.
I consider myself one of the very caring men on earth,but my weak point is that I expect the same amount of love and care I put in a relationship.If I dont get the same amount of love and care,I consider the relationship one sided.
I travel a lot,I enjoy going to the wild where I get to see animals and tall trees,also I enjoy going to the beach,cooking,old school music,reading and sports.
Also,I go a long way to achieve my aim,so coming to get you is no problem.
Profession: marketing/engineering