I need to say that if your living at home,no job,no car,no future...NO WAY! Please move on!! I am bright, articulate, and I provide a nice little life for myself and my kids at the beach. I am loyal,funny,responsible with finances,and low maintenance...lol,well almost. I can afford myself just fine...Please be able to COMMUNICATE when there is a problem! I like to be real and want to know people who are engaged in life. Bring something to the table! LET'S TALK ABOUT.......THE KISS...pay attention people and practice,kissing is so important.I've come to the very sad conclusion that men(and women) just don't know how to kiss. Kissing is important, guys, and a really key part of convincing a girl that you're fun to be with. What’s the key difference between those good-looking guys out there that aren’t getting any, and those rather plain guys that have several girls sighing and swooning after them? It’s pretty simple, the way I see it. It’s the kiss. It seems to me that guys either don’t know how to kiss, or just don’t care to do it right. Too many men seem to view the kiss as something on a checklist on the way to getting a girl into bed. Well, I’ve got news for you guys – the way you kiss can make all the difference between “Take me now” and “Take off, ya jerk.” I guess I consider myself a bit of a kissing aficionado. I like kissing, and I like being well-kissed. Sadly, that doesn’t happen often. One was really good at kissing, and I could smooch with him for hours. Another was pretty good – I was really sad when our make-out session ended. All the other kisses were something I tolerated, even endured. One guy, I kid you not, had two steps – press open mouth to hers, stick tongue out as far as possible. Yuck! Trust me, the last thing a girl wants is somebody’s mushy wet open mouth laving drool all over her mouth and chin. Think about it - do you really want a woman to ociate the words 'soft' and 'mushy' with you? The first key to a good kiss is your atude. The kiss is not some golden base to be raced to, but neither is it simply a minor step on the way to more. If done correctly, a kiss will send your lady’s heart racing, make her breath uneven, and have her dragging you to the bedroom. A kiss should never be rushed, and should never be just unloaded like a suitcase at the door. A good kiss will be an exercise in teasing – holding up the promise of that little bit more, until she’s practically begging for your touch. Before your lips ever touch, take some time to build up to a good kiss. You don’t want to spring it on her like some unpleasantness to be gotten out of the way. The kiss starts with your hands, not your mouth. Touch her. Hold her hand. Rub her arm, if she likes it. Rub her shoulders, if she likes that. This gives you an excuse to be close to her, and leads her to anticipate your kiss. And don’t kiss her as soon as you think you can get away with it, or turn a quick hug into a guerrilla smooch. You’ll know when she’s ready – she’ll turn to face you, and perhaps bare her neck to you – that’s because she’s turning to line up so she can get her lips locked on yours..try it, kissing is such a turn on! And NO I don't give "lessons" for those who are wondering, and no "kiss and rate" either!!! I wanna kiss one man forever!Someone is going to be very lucky...
Profession: Paralegal