Boy I hate writing these things.
I'm looking for a woman who understands the simple joys of snorkeling in the morning with a special someone, walking hand in hand laughing about who has more sand in their suit, and doing karoke in the evening. I'm looking for the kind of girl (oops.. Woman) who isn't materialistic, (because I'm a just a working shmo) empty headed (because I read voraciously) or stuck up (because they can make me get older, but I can be immature forever!) do you like roller coasters? Do you still giggle like a schoolgirl? Can you prove that the kids have nothing on us? (hey, I'm 19 with 20 years experience... How about you?
I want to meet someone who can laugh at little things, smile just because we're together, flirt with me on a daily basis, get on a roller coaster and scream till your throat is raw! (and gross out the kids cause we don't have any fear of Public displays of affection! WE CAN act like they do
I'm not looking for someone who looks to see if my ties are bill bl, or if my suit is an armani, or if the gifts come from tiffany. I don't want someone who cheats, steals or lies to get ahead.
Have a blessed day!
Btw, if you know what a hit point is, what frak means, and who Harry Dresden's partner who lives in his own skull is... Kudos to you and I would definitely want to talk to you.
I said I hate writing these things and I do, Yes I plagierized myself. But I hope you don't mind.
If you like what you've read, Drop me an email sometime.
Profession: Customer Service rep