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SCameron's photo
Thu 04/03/08 09:59 PM
"It would be useful, 5 pieces." She thinks for a moment before a stiff nod.
"Well worth the price."

silverwaya's photo
Thu 04/03/08 09:59 PM

Niraon is intrigued and leans forward to inspect the potions

As he puts the last one in his robes he sees the half elf staring. He then smiles. "I offer you a healing potion for 5 gold pieces if you like. I am sure it will come handy on your future adventures. What do you say," he asks.

well now what a lovely proposition. I will take 2.
* curious as to what they are made from fro they resemble something from her homeland*

no photo
Thu 04/03/08 10:00 PM

Niraon is intrigued and leans forward to inspect the potions

As he puts the last one in his robes he sees the half elf staring. He then smiles. "I offer you a healing potion for 5 gold pieces if you like. I am sure it will come handy on your future adventures. What do you say," he asks.

well now what a lovely proposition. I will take 2.
* curious as to what they are made from fro they resemble something from her homeland*

"He hands over the potions and takes the gold! "I thank you. You have made a wise choice for you never know what may happen in one of your travelers." he warns.

no photo
Thu 04/03/08 10:01 PM

"It would be useful, 5 pieces." She thinks for a moment before a stiff nod.
"Well worth the price."

"I would love to give you. How many would you like? One or perhaps two or more potions," he offers as he takes the potions out of his robes.

SCameron's photo
Thu 04/03/08 10:02 PM
She touches a small pouch on her waist, testing the weight. "Two will be fine for now sir."

silverwaya's photo
Thu 04/03/08 10:03 PM

Niraon is intrigued and leans forward to inspect the potions

As he puts the last one in his robes he sees the half elf staring. He then smiles. "I offer you a healing potion for 5 gold pieces if you like. I am sure it will come handy on your future adventures. What do you say," he asks.

well now what a lovely proposition. I will take 2.
* curious as to what they are made from fro they resemble something from her homeland*

"He hands over the potions and takes the gold! "I thank you. You have made a wise choice for you never know what may happen in one of your travelers." he warns.

your words ring with much wisdom for there is a storm brewing

no photo
Thu 04/03/08 10:04 PM

She touches a small pouch on her waist, testing the weight. "Two will be fine for now sir."

"and two you shall get fair lady," as he hands them over and grabs the gold.

SCameron's photo
Thu 04/03/08 10:05 PM
She smiles with some spirit now as he grabs the gold and nods in thanks as she studies the potions before slipping them into another pouch.

no photo
Thu 04/03/08 10:07 PM
The old cleric smiles and looks around for the owner of the establishment. "Does Criani Peracien ever come to see how her Inn is fairing? Why I haven't seen here in years. Where is that old warrior veteran?"

SCameron's photo
Thu 04/03/08 10:09 PM
Looks to Re'Anna with interest "Where is it that you hail from?"

Max_Darkling's photo
Thu 04/03/08 10:14 PM
Max stands up extends his hand to Malanitor* was a pleasure to meet you sir have a safe journey tomorrow.* bows to Re'Anna and Niraon * I bid you all a good night.* he turns and walks up the stairs to his room.

silverwaya's photo
Thu 04/03/08 10:16 PM

Max stands up extends his hand to Malanitor* was a pleasure to meet you sir have a safe journey tomorrow.* bows to Re'Anna and Niraon * I bid you all a good night.* he turns and walks up the stairs to his room.

sleep well my friend

no photo
Thu 04/03/08 10:17 PM

Max stands up extends his hand to Malanitor* was a pleasure to meet you sir have a safe journey tomorrow.* bows to Re'Anna and Niraon * I bid you all a good night.* he turns and walks up the stairs to his room.

"Good night Max and may we one day cross paths again. I wish you a successful journey ahead of you and may those potions serve you well. Good night," he says standing up to shake your hand. He then sits back down to smile at the wolf who looks at him curiously.

SCameron's photo
Thu 04/03/08 10:18 PM
Nods to Max and offers a smile

silverwaya's photo
Thu 04/03/08 10:18 PM

Looks to Re'Anna with interest "Where is it that you hail from?"

don't see many of our kind do we??
i come from royalty but chose to leave for i could not conform to such confining rules. I long to be free. I guess you could say the forest. for there is where my heart lies.

SCameron's photo
Thu 04/03/08 10:22 PM
Nods in understanding "Our kind do hold nature close to our spirit."

criani_peracien's photo
Thu 04/03/08 10:28 PM
<Criani sweeps in the door after a long day of traveling to Hilly Dangar where the hobbits live. Her effort was rewarded, for she returned with a carriage full of grapan liquor with which she needed to stock the tavern, for her many thirsty adventurers. Not to mention, the great festival that is coming to town soon and the hobbits will be visiting the tavern next week. As she looks around, her eyes glance off of a figure seated at a table eating, then she does a double take. It's her dear friend, who has healed her many wounds from the past! She cannot believe her eyes! It's been such a long, long time since she had seen him.>

"Good eve, Milantor!! It is so wonderful to see you old friend! How have you been? How is your meal? Isn't the grapan the most sweet tasting liquor you've ever tasted? Shall I get you another?"

<Criani is so excited to see her dear friend, that she barely allows him to get a word in edgewise. She is all smiless.> tee hee

no photo
Thu 04/03/08 10:32 PM

<Criani sweeps in the door after a long day of traveling to Hilly Dangar where the hobbits live. Her effort was rewarded, for she returned with a carriage full of grapan liquor with which she needed to stock the tavern, for her many thirsty adventurers. Not to mention, the great festival that is coming to town soon and the hobbits will be visiting the tavern next week. As she looks around, her eyes glance off of a figure seated at a table eating, then she does a double take. It's her dear friend, who has healed her many wounds from the past! She cannot believe her eyes! It's been such a long, long time since she had seen him.>

"Good eve, Milantor!! It is so wonderful to see you old friend! How have you been? How is your meal? Isn't the grapan the most sweet tasting liquor you've ever tasted? Shall I get you another?"

<Criani is so excited to see her dear friend, that she barely allows him to get a word in edgewise. She is all smiless.> tee hee

"At last you have made it!" he says standing up to hug her. "It has been a long time since we have seen each other. I see your business is as good as ever! "I have been eating and drinking all day. Please come and sit down with me for a few before I retire to bed. It has been a long day for I have sold a few of my famoust healing potions today," he finishes before allowing her to pour a bit of the grapan into his glass from a freshly opened bottle.

SCameron's photo
Thu 04/03/08 10:42 PM
Niraon finishes her wine and sets it onto the table, nodding to all in the inn. " I fear I must be off. I'm sorry we've not been introduced and I offer little time to do so, but I am Niraon" She directs to Criani.
A polite nod to all. "I hope to meet with you all again soon."

no photo
Thu 04/03/08 10:45 PM

Niraon finishes her wine and sets it onto the table, nodding to all in the inn. " I fear I must be off. I'm sorry we've not been introduced and I offer little time to do so, but I am Niraon" She directs to Criani.
A polite nod to all. "I hope to meet with you all again soon."

"I wish you a great evening and may we meet once again soonk," says the old cleric.

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