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Topic: Publishing Poems
Tneal's photo
Fri 01/12/07 08:20 AM
For the poets and authors of stories, I have a online site that I have
been working on for over a year.

If you would like for me to publish your poems on the site I would be
happy to. I get alot of hits and I have other authors also, not from
this site, on there.

You are welcome to check out the site and see if you would like to have
your work on there. I am a classy site, I do not allow illegal stuff on
there. I will be posting a link on there for this dating site also this

michael1313's photo
Fri 01/12/07 08:38 AM
Thanx for your help,,,this may be th opertunity I need...M.

no photo
Tue 01/16/07 09:15 AM
OK my fellow poets, check out the site..its a great place, I have a spot
there as well, thanks to Tneal :) Great for xposure if thats what your
looking for also a great community of other writers, soo give it a try
check it out :)

Tneal's photo
Tue 01/16/07 10:33 AM
Thank you for the plug CCP *S*

I will be placing a link on there to JSH also.... as soon as I figure
out where to place it.... *S*

michael1313's photo
Tue 01/16/07 10:41 AM
how about right here???

this is a good site to read and send poems,
erotica,and stories too...

but you will have to go through the editors first...
as this site is a CLASSY site,not for the "Run of th Mill"...

Thanx Ms.Tneal for accepting my poems too.....Lonely Soul

karmafury's photo
Tue 01/16/07 12:38 PM
I thank you very much Tneal for thinking my words good enough for your

Cybear's photo
Tue 01/16/07 12:45 PM
Hello!T.I want to thank you very much for the opportunity to post my
most special poem at this web site that you have posted.I think that is
a very dear and thoughtful idea for you to share with your friends in
the JSH community.Very sweet,T(hug)I don't write a great deal of Poetry
per say,however I truly appreciate the opportunity to submit the most
important one that I have ever written or will write for that matter.I
had it published in the International Library of Poetry back in 82.I
have submitted this poem "I Love you Grandpa!earlier this morning so I
am awaiting the results as far as there acceptance process is
concerned.This is one more opportunity to assure that my most cherished
words to my Grandfather will live forever and God willing perhaps
provide comfort to those who have never received this unconditional love
that was given to me.He will be cherished all the days of my existance,
and much of this I have shared with my Daughters just the same as it was
provided for me.Perhaps one day one of my Daughters will be surfing the
web and they'll enter this web site,even if by mistake and run into my
poem and say OMG!that's my Dad's poem to my Great Grandpa.Thank you so
much Tneal.Godspeed!Your Friend,Cybear.

Gryphyn's photo
Tue 01/16/07 01:07 PM
Definately a Great site, Take a peek and enjoy yourself




Tneal's photo
Wed 01/17/07 07:30 AM
Hey Cybear.... your poem was accepted this morning. I will be working
on your page today... email is on the way as to what I need for your


Cybear's photo
Wed 01/17/07 10:26 AM
Good Morn.Tneal.I want to thank sooo much again for this
opportunity,that is so kind and thoughtful.I'm sure you have gathered by
now how special this particular poem is to me.I want my words to my
Grandfather to become Immortal,if that is possible for he is one of
sweetest men to ever grace this Earth.Not one single day of my life has
passed without him in my thoughts.What breaks my heart and saddens me
forever is the fact that none of my Daughters were blessed with the
opportunity of meeting him.He passed on while I was in my second year of
my Military obligation.I was a Colonel's driver at S2 at the time so he
did push the emergency leave through quickly.OMG!T I am crying as I try
to finish this you.But he died as my plane touched down in Logan
Airport;Boston Mass.But he is up with God now and he must be looking
down smiling at me as we speak.And my Daughters have been told much of
him so that they may carry on his memory throughout their life
also.Thank You! so much T(O&X)"cybear blushing"Godspeed!Cybear.

purplecat's photo
Wed 01/17/07 10:54 AM
hey tneal that sounds very interesting , my ears are perked ! but I dont
think I have the mental capacity to grasp the concept , interesting

Tneal's photo
Thu 01/18/07 06:08 AM
Glad I could add you to the site Purple Cat and Cybear. Hope to see
more submissions.... *S*

michael1313's photo
Thu 01/18/07 09:29 AM
after they submit...
are they gonna get spanked???

ellgee1976's photo
Thu 01/18/07 09:34 AM
Tneal, you rawk...the site is awesome, and poems, and authors are
interesting, and on there too! :P

thanx gf :D

Tneal's photo
Fri 01/19/07 10:36 AM
No Problem LG.... anything to help with the world of writing *S*

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 01/19/07 11:08 AM
Okay said I was gonna look at the site wellll ya know have not yet but
promise I will this weekend and see and if any questions which I'm sure
I will have I will e-mail you Tneal. Cause not really sure what it is.
Is it kinda just like putting your poems on here just for others to
read? But I will check it out.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 01/20/07 11:42 PM
okay Tneal hope I did it all right went to the site and put in my poem
and sent it all so will see if I did it right or not lol
thanks again for suggestion the site

Tneal's photo
Wed 01/24/07 08:29 PM

Cybear's photo
Thu 01/25/07 03:49 AM
To my dear friend Tneal.flowerforyou blushing

DANE1973's photo
Thu 01/25/07 06:23 AM
Hey Tneal, do you think you can get Thorfinn's mighty Shield on there.
It's a good read and I'd hate to lose it in the thread, Plus you can
feel free to publish my other stuff on there as well if you want. I'll
have to look at the site later, I have to go to work for now.

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