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Topic: Some Dad's Kill me!
hikerchick's photo
Sat 03/29/08 06:21 AM
You know what Jim it occurs to me that if you do say something to the management and they tell the guys not to bring their kids in the bar, the guys will just leave the kids in the car. That has been done before, with tragic consequences.

Jim519's photo
Sat 03/29/08 06:21 AM

Well I am not an advocate of kids in bars. Most bars here have a time I am not sure cause I don't go often either 8:00 or 9:00 and no one not of the legal drinking age is allowed to be there.

But I also play alot of softball and bars are the primary sponcers of the teams arround here, and they ask that if you play for the team they sponcer you go in a few times during the season and support the bar. Here most of the bars/sponcers serve some pretty decent food so I have brought my kids in eat dinner, I never drink in a bar for multiple reason one is I do not want my children to get the above idea, and this area is one of the highest in the country for drunk driving. Which I want neither. But if a bar/resturant/sponcer is gonna hand over a few grand to sponcer our team I will go in once or twice during dinner time

I think it's a whole different thing if you are sitting at a table with a group and eating in a bar/restaurant.

What Jim saw was a kid just sitting there in a bar while her dad pounded them back. Entirely different circumstance, I think.

Your exactly right hiker

Going to a restraunt/bar with friends or family is different. Both these guys were by themeselves with their children.

Jim519's photo
Sat 03/29/08 06:22 AM

You know what Jim it occurs to me that if you do say something to the management and they tell the guys not to bring their kids in the bar, the guys will just leave the kids in the car. That has been done before, with tragic consequences.

These type of people should just be executed, the ones that would leave a child in the car to be able to have a drink. Makes me sick

caamken's photo
Sat 03/29/08 06:23 AM
well If some one is taking there kids to the bar so they can have there liquid dinner than that is a whole different senerio and something should be done

hikerchick's photo
Sat 03/29/08 06:24 AM
It's difficult when you have spent your child's entire life analyzing your every decision to determine the impact on your child's life, and then you see people who make careless decsions without ever considering their children. It just doesn't compute, for me. How could you put yourself first?

Jim519's photo
Sat 03/29/08 06:30 AM
Edited by Jim519 on Sat 03/29/08 06:31 AM
SOme just have very poor ethics

I have a very close friend who is an Alcoholic. He did that once and jumped all over his sh*t! He then recognized he had a problem, so he spoke with the Mother of the child, stepped up and let the child stay with her until he fixed his problem.

That's what these people should do

caamken's photo
Sat 03/29/08 06:31 AM
Hiker I have gave up on trying to figure how others think.

But I would not hesitate to say something to the individual in that bar situation. Then let the chips fall. I wuld not get the owner of the bar involved knowing it is his/her livelyhood but the man in this situation would catch my opinion of bring his children in

hikerchick's photo
Sat 03/29/08 06:32 AM
I agree with you Jim. When you sign on for parenthood, you agree to put someone else before yourself. If you can't do that, then you need to let someone else do the job. Kids are precious.

hikerchick's photo
Sat 03/29/08 06:34 AM

Hiker I have gave up on trying to figure how others think.

But I would not hesitate to say something to the individual in that bar situation. Then let the chips fall. I wuld not get the owner of the bar involved knowing it is his/her livelyhood but the man in this situation would catch my opinion of bring his children in

Ya know, Cam, you are starting to sound like my friends. flowerforyou

I should stop trying to make sense of what others do because some things will never make sense to me and I will drive myself crazy.

Jim519's photo
Sat 03/29/08 06:35 AM

Hiker I have gave up on trying to figure how others think.

But I would not hesitate to say something to the individual in that bar situation. Then let the chips fall. I wuld not get the owner of the bar involved knowing it is his/her livelyhood but the man in this situation would catch my opinion of bring his children in

Trust me,...I wanted to!!

But that little girl, even though she had no clue what scene she was in...Seemed so happy and laughing to be with her Daddy. I was having a problem with that, even though I knew how wrong it was...

hikerchick's photo
Sat 03/29/08 06:37 AM
You know what, Jim, there just was no good answer there. And like most good deeds, yours would not have gone unpunished, I am sure. No matter what action you had taken.

jeffish569's photo
Sat 03/29/08 08:36 AM
Well, I have to chime in, My parents owned a bar and I grew up in one until I was six or so. I thought of it as home...talk about twisted...now 32 years later I am a single dad with 5 kids, four full time and one little bitty one 50% of the time. He's 2. I would have never done anything different if it were'nt for some "straight talk" from a total stranger! I would probably be dead because of my bad choices. The point I guess is that sometimes God puts you in a certain timing/opportunity type situation where we get the chance to help each other, when we need it most....when the timing is right and the opportunity presents itself to the right person they will get that message that you wanted so badly to deliver Jim. Maybe it was your chance maybe not..but remember however harshly you judge others this will be the measure of judgement you'll receive..Take care, peace and love brothers and sisters, jeff

daniel48706's photo
Sat 05/03/08 09:21 PM
If I were ever to walk in on that situation, I would immediatley get on the phone to either the police or protective services (if not both), and let them handle it. I am sure if either agency saw a minor in a bar or club, they would respond immediately.

MsCarmen's photo
Thu 05/08/08 10:00 AM

Hiker I have gave up on trying to figure how others think.

But I would not hesitate to say something to the individual in that bar situation. Then let the chips fall. I wuld not get the owner of the bar involved knowing it is his/her livelyhood but the man in this situation would catch my opinion of bring his children in

Trust me,...I wanted to!!

But that little girl, even though she had no clue what scene she was in...Seemed so happy and laughing to be with her Daddy. I was having a problem with that, even though I knew how wrong it was...

I can honestly say that I would have been torn by that as well. But being that you are going to contact the establishment about the situation, to me, you are doing something about it. So don't torture yourself by second guessing if you had done the right thing. Cause I think you did.

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