Topic: Ms. V's mountain cabin | |
(((YAWN))) *rubs her eyes, tired
BBQ cook~out party on the deck @ lunch, you coming? Absolutely!! |
*leaves the porch & kitchen light on in case of night visitors.
You're in charge of the potato salad! lol!
You're in charge of the potato salad! lol! I can do that.... But I'd rather do the grillin'... |
You wanta man the grill! Great! I hate doing that.
It would be my pleasure...
Whatcha need cookin'?? |
pours glassa ice tea. "Dis is good!" "aaaah!"
Depends on how many people I have show up? Burgers & hot dogs, if a big crowd. Steaks & chicken, if just a few friends. I have both in the fridge, of course! LOL!
offers to help with dishes and such.
Yasha, glad to see your making yourself at home!
*smiles @ yasha. Thanks, darlin!
If you decide to go with the steaks & chicken, let me know ahead of time so I can soak the birds.
*checks cupboard for some paper plates & cups.
Chicken already done in the fridge, hun.
Is there anything that you DON'T think of????
AAAAAAA, RACCOON on the porch! *she hides behind wyatt.
That little fella??? He won't hurt you. But if he does, I'll just shoot him.
Don't hurt him! Just scare him off! *grabs a baseball bat from the closet>>
What are you going to do with that??