Topic: I just don't get it
Jill298's photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:23 AM
I bet he consumed around 2,000 calories just for breakfast alone... plus I saw him with a coke in his hand... I just wanted to rip it out of his hand and throw it away and shove an apple in his mouthgrumble

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:25 AM
what I don't get is, we need a licence to drive, we need a licence to marry, how come we don't need a licence to procreate??? I mean c'mon, the ONE thing of these three that takes actual intelligence and we let ppl procreate all over the place without giving them an IQ or personality test???

lilith401's photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:25 AM
Jill ~ About a year ago I saw a mother at a mall food court letting her child drink Mountain Dew with his pizza. The boy could not have been older than four. I bit my tongue so hard I bet blood must have come out.... and that was just over soda. I cannot imagine how you stood watching that.

Jill298's photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:29 AM

Jill ~ About a year ago I saw a mother at a mall food court letting her child drink Mountain Dew with his pizza. The boy could not have been older than four. I bit my tongue so hard I bet blood must have come out.... and that was just over soda. I cannot imagine how you stood watching that.
I almost never give my daughter pop, and NEVER when was 4. Right now she will get some diet pop every now and again as a treat. Actually Lilith I couldn't stand there and watch it, I had to go to my office cuz I was sure I was gonna walk right over there and throw waffle # 2 in the garbage...

no photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:30 AM
That should be considered a form of child abuse in my mind. noway noway noway I'm no skinny mini but I try to eat more of the right foods. JUST TOO MUCH OF IT!!! laugh laugh laugh

Jill298's photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:32 AM

That should be considered a form of child abuse in my mind. noway noway noway I'm no skinny mini but I try to eat more of the right foods. JUST TOO MUCH OF IT!!! laugh laugh laugh
LOL me too... I got overweight because I had poor eating habits as a kid. As an adult I am taking repsonsibilty for it ( I've lost 60 pounds) dieting, excerising, and just overall eating better and healthier.

Lily0923's photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:33 AM
Oh Jill, I'm a blogger, and I have a whole blog about that....

Now my rant on fat kids... I have a few pounds to lose, I’m not going to deny this in the slightest, my daughter I have to fight with to eat anything but junk food, so sometimes I give in and let her have it, due to well.... did you read the few paragraphs above? She’s a good kid, and kids deserve treats for being good, she eats a balanced diet, and gets the good stuff, when that is all gone. What the f*** is up with adults that allow their children to be over weight? It is discusting, it is wrong, and those adults should be fined for child abuse. I know a woman with 5 kids, all but 1 is over weight.... bad genes??? Nope, poor diet.... I know a man with 2 kids, both of them are over weight (borderline obese)...poor genes?? Nope poor diet. WTF is wrong with these people??? Who looks at their over weight child and says "hey, they look ok."

There is a woman who gets her grandchild from the bus she waddles to get them, both of the children... she lives with her son, and one is in school and one isn’t yet... are FAT... not over weight...FAT. There is NO reason a child of the age of 4 should be obese.... NOT ONE F****** REASON....

We wonder why there is such a health crisis in this country, well look at how we raise our kids, we let them eat foods rich in carbs, and sugar, and then allow them to stay indoors and play video games and watch TV..... It’s one thing for an adult to be over weight, that is a choice, but a kid, they learn from you.... they do what you tell them to do, and if you are such a ****ty parent that you allow them to be FAT... well you don’t deserve kids....It’s child abuse....It’s good for kids to have a pound or two extra... they burn it off as teenagers.... but if you have taught them to eat like sh*t they will be fat ass teenagers too.....

Just a blurb from my blog.... I too get upset over it...

lilith401's photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:33 AM
I'm with you on the diet soda thing. It's funny, I reassure my son it is sugar free and caffiene free before he will even drink it (he is so conditioned against it...) Pizza nights at home include the special treat of diet root beer. He has no idea crystal light is not real kool-aid! :wink:

Last night he asked for seconds of green beans before he finished his mashed potatoes. I'm so very lucky. Of course, the school does reinforce healthful eating and activities, and I do appreciate that.

I don't blame you for walking away. I bet you lost your own appetite.

Jill298's photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:37 AM
well said Lilyflowerforyou You're right, there is no reason for it. My daughter is a a little over weight ( 5 pounds or so)and we are doing something about it now. It's mostly due to being so inactive this winter. I refuse to feed her crap food but everytime she goes to my parents house, they feed her whatever she wants. That really pisses me off... but this is why it was critical to TEACH HER GOOD CHOICES. She can say no, she loves fruits and veggies, and knows when she is full and doesn't need to eat anymore.

BobbyJ's photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:39 AM
Only one way to cut back on all the gluttony. Tax food like they tax cigarettes! Put some health warnings on high sugar foods, too, while they're at it! laugh

Lily0923's photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:40 AM

well said Lilyflowerforyou You're right, there is no reason for it. My daughter is a a little over weight ( 5 pounds or so)and we are doing something about it now. It's mostly due to being so inactive this winter. I refuse to feed her crap food but everytime she goes to my parents house, they feed her whatever she wants. That really pisses me off... but this is why it was critical to TEACH HER GOOD CHOICES. She can say no, she loves fruits and veggies, and knows when she is full and doesn't need to eat anymore.

It is normal and actually a bit healthy for kids to have a few pounds... like you said she is inactive in the winter, when spring comes she will burn it off... I'm talking about the kids with rolls.....

Lily0923's photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:43 AM

Only one way to cut back on all the gluttony. Tax food like they tax cigarettes! Put some health warnings on high sugar foods, too, while they're at it! laugh

There is so much data about health and food, that anyone who ignores it, is a MORON.....

My ex mother in law told me she had high colesterol the other day, and continued to tell me that she needed to stop eating ice cream. Very few brands of ice cream actually HAVE cholesterol... Shrimp has a TON of cholesterol, it is about the worst thing you can eat...... but oh so yummy...

lilith401's photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:43 AM
I don't see anything wrong with including a bit if pre-teaching with the whole "kids can be cruel" thing either, in terms of talking about diet and exercise.

If I can prevent any sort of pain on my son's behalf by enforcing healthy eating... I have no trouble talking about how kids can pick and tease. I'm sure all our kids have been teased or picked on about one thing or another and can relate. One we can help prevent... it's silly not to take advantage.

Jill~ A bit of that to your parents might be helpful, too. I know my parents spoil my son as well, but they would never want him to be teased or mocked. It possible they just never thought about it. Attention is worth so much more than food from family, anyhow.

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:46 AM
I remember I was at a fellowship dinner with my friends and I didn't feel like getting up and I shoved my daughter's plate on someone and said, "Here, she needs a refill on Broccoli."

As they were spooning out some more broccoli on her plate they looked at me and said, "Why? Is she on punishment? What did she do?"

I said, "Nothing. She just likes broccoli."

He gave me the "puke face" and I just laughed. Apparently broccoli is a much hated vegetable ALL OVER THE WORLD. Dude was from Nigeria!

Did you know they do not grow broccoli in Israel? They have to have it shipped. My daughter was pissed when she found out.

Her grandparents got her some and they looked at me with the "puke face" and said (albeit in Hebrew), "Is she really going to eat that?"

I said "sure, watch". I washed some fresh broccoli (as fresh as internationally shipped can get) and cut it up into bite sized pieces and put it into a bowl with a small fork. She devoured it.

She even likes it cooked!

Israelis don't know what they are missing. We have green broccoli, purple broccoli, brocciflower, white broccoli, etc....


Jill298's photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:48 AM

I don't see anything wrong with including a bit if pre-teaching with the whole "kids can be cruel" thing either, in terms of talking about diet and exercise.

If I can prevent any sort of pain on my son's behalf by enforcing healthy eating... I have no trouble talking about how kids can pick and tease. I'm sure all our kids have been teased or picked on about one thing or another and can relate. One we can help prevent... it's silly not to take advantage.

Jill~ A bit of that to your parents might be helpful, too. I know my parents spoil my son as well, but they would never want him to be teased or mocked. It possible they just never thought about it. Attention is worth so much more than food from family, anyhow.
Lilith, I have talked to them about it over and over... my mother has a serious eating disorder and she just doesn't realize what she's doing. My mother has been had that weight loss surgery, she gained most of it back. She's been to therepy, doctors, dieticians, it doesn't work. She's just been doing it to long for anything to help.

caamken's photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:51 AM

caamken's photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:58 AM
well a well balanced breakfast is the key in weight loss at any age.

I also heard on the news yesterday the if a child eats a warm breakfast every day they have a greater than 80% chance of never having weight problems has an adult.

lilith401's photo
Fri 03/28/08 09:12 AM
Jill~ Your mom makes a choice, in that, as in anything else she does. She chooses food over life and family... you cannot fix esteem issues and feelings with food. She just hasn't figured that out yet.

You're never too old to learn new tricks.

caamken's photo
Fri 03/28/08 09:14 AM
<<<< new tricked out today

jtip1977's photo
Fri 03/28/08 09:17 AM
He's going to be on Maury Povich in a couple years!!!