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Topic: speeking in tongue? what do you think?
no photo
Wed 03/21/07 06:36 PM
Witchypoo. Those people who claim to get the
nobody-knows-tongue-speaking gift? They just open their mouths and let
anything come out and with an idea of how some languages sound they lean
in that direction. But With the music playing and they singing and
clapping, they get heated or worked up first, just like how musicians
get worked up and feel a certain way. They feel so nice in their body
that they believe something has happened and say they are speaking in
tongues. what did they say? As Paul says: "Nobody understands them." 1
cor: 14. Now, U trying to be honest, and indeed U are, because U looking
for something real, as u said: :Some people fake." Now if U open U
mouth after (or before) U get worked up with nice, sweet '
power-in-the-blood'music, then open your mouth and try to let just
anything come out, taking care not to utter any cusswords,(Mudder F and
so on) U will do what they are doing, that they call speaking in
tongues. then when U go across to a place where U dont know the
language, and U should tell them something for their benefit,(or U
understand something they told U for U benefit,)you can't understand
each other? U have 2 get an intepreter? Does that make sense to U?
Please take Rambill79 advice.

no photo
Wed 03/21/07 06:39 PM
I forgot to mention that the working up with the music, anf the nice
feeling and then the utterances is called: "Emotionalism."

no photo
Wed 03/21/07 06:52 PM
Blacklovestick> Could U tell me the authority source of your
information? Or rather where U got your information please? Because what
I had learnt so far is that the first record of that unknown tongue
babbling was during a meeting by a black Preacher on a street in America
called some Azure or Azura (or something like that).

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 03/21/07 08:18 PM
whoa, info overload. I wrote this thread down for future refernce.
thanks to all especially Grieving

netuserlla's photo
Thu 03/22/07 06:34 PM
I'm sorry, but I didn't have time to read all of the posts here. BUT I
do know that the toungues that people refer to today is not real
toungues. It is fake. Just another misinterputation of the bible. REAL
toungues are when one speaks thier words to say, and no matter what the
message is, they are automatically interputed into the listeners own
language. Everyone hears the message in thier own language. Besides
that, It also states in the bible that spirtial gifts could ONLY be
given to people that were in direct contact with Jesus or maybe his 12
apostiles. Need I say that they have been dead for many years?

no photo
Sun 03/25/07 07:47 PM
sushi, the bible says to "speak the truth in love" and your commentary
was not recieved in love. If you are right [and I am NOT implying that
you are] you should think about the feelings of your fellow believers
who believe in that.
I will post my thoughts on this subject later.

no photo
Sun 03/25/07 07:57 PM
Well, I read all the posts on here and flames is the only one thats
close to the truth according to the word of God.

netuserlla's photo
Mon 03/26/07 04:19 AM
I'm sorry but tongues are a gift givin only by Jesus. The utterence with
prayer was taken from context and interpreted the way alot of people see
this. That is what made all of this confusing to alot of people. We are
talking about two different things. Before the bible, God taught his
word in 'parts' through people useing gifts so that people would know
that the message came from Him. According to IICor when the perfect word
of God was complete, the 'parts' the gifts were to be done away because
they are not longer required for teaching. That's what the bible is for.

pagrby's photo
Thu 04/26/07 05:21 AM
I do speak in tongues and it is a gift from my Father. It is my prayer
language and the Holy Spirit speaking through me to my Father. It is a
direct conversation with Him and He is the one who inteprets it.

netuserlla's photo
Thu 04/26/07 05:54 AM
If that's true P , then who does that edify?

no photo
Thu 04/26/07 07:31 AM
In my opinion, some people are just extremely suggestible.

trae_23's photo
Thu 04/26/07 07:47 AM
speaking in tounges meant in the bible that you could speak and people
from diffrent nationalties could understand. Multiple people from
diffrent backgrounds could understand at the same time. The things they
do now no one can understand. Definately fake

AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 04/26/07 08:00 AM
Gork. Meri dopa tang masak!

Grido maka drieee somaga.

Translat that!

Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 05/14/07 10:51 AM
Have you ever thought that speaking in tongues was prophecied. That in
the end of this age people would do this. Judge for yourselves what
isaiah has to say about it?

Isa 28:6-15

6 And for a spirit of judgment to him that sitteth in judgment, and for
strength to them that turn the battle to the gate.
7 But they also have erred through wine, and through strong drink are
out of the way; the priest and the prophet have erred through strong
drink, they are swallowed up of wine, they are out of the way through
strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble in judgment.
8 For all tables are full of vomit and filthiness, so that there is no
place clean.
9 Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand
doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the
10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon
line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:
11 For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this
12 To whom he said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to
rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear.
13 But the word of Yahweh was unto them precept upon precept, precept
upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a
little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and
snared, and taken.
14 Wherefore hear the word of Yahweh, ye scornful men, that rule this
people which is in Jerusalem.
15 Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with
hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass
through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge,
and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:

I will believe Isaiah myself. Miles

bibby7's photo
Mon 05/14/07 10:56 AM
Walks in...Shakes head...RUNS out...

trae_23's photo
Mon 05/14/07 10:57 AM
We live in the New Testament now with the Death, burial, and resurection
of Jesus. We take our laws from there

davinci1952's photo
Mon 05/14/07 11:07 AM
Klatu!! Barrata Nikto!!!.......grumble grumble

from day the earth stood still indifferent

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Mon 05/14/07 07:17 PM
I'm not going to read this whole thread, I'm just going to tell you what
I think:

I did used to go to church when I was on my spirtitual journey to
finding my own religion. It was a Pentecostal church. I saw them speak
in tongues, and all I could do was laugh b/c I KNOW that our creator
didn't intend for people to act like such idiots...

I think its a load of crap

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 05/17/07 02:59 PM
Is thier scripture that says that we take our laws from the New
Testament? If so how did the apostles know what was law when the NT was
not thier? Miles

moshe's photo
Thu 05/17/07 05:22 PM
I used to believe that speaking in tongues was as previously stated "a
load of crap" . . . . however I am beginning to see that there are
people who make a show of it and get wrapped up in the emotionalism,
thus giving it a bad name.

Here are some truths I have found

In the book of Acts, whenever a new people group came to Christ it was
confirmed with speaking in tongues

Speaking in tongues can refer to one of three things . . . speaking in
another comprehensible language (once again see acts and the Pentecost)
. . . it can possibly mean our spirit "intercessing with groanings that
cannot be uttered" our soul crying out to our Maker in pain and joy that
cannot be put into words . . . . it can also be considered an angelic
tongue used in prophecy. This last case requires an interpreter. As a
Christian to deny tongues would be to throw out large parts or try to
explain away much of the New Testament. Just because I do not
completely understand it doesn't mean its not true. Just because
christians blow up abortion clinics doesn't mean God wants to kill those
people, and just because christians make a show out of what should be a
gift doesn't mean it isn't real.

Read the book of Acts as well as first Cor. and then say that speaking
in tongues is just an act. Don't try to explain it away, open your
heart and see where God leads.

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