Topic: Preferences
lilith401's photo
Sun 03/23/08 08:54 AM
Edited by lilith401 on Sun 03/23/08 09:02 AM

I like to make people laugh lil. I know I can be vulgar, and downright disgusting at times, but if I make one person chuckle a little bit my day is better, and I hope theirs is too. Yes, I am a flirt, but there is a line. Flirting is happy, and I likes to be happy girlie. You are with another person, do I flirt with you? :wink:

Nope.. you don't. You are always a gentleman with me, but if you did I'd be okay with that too. I'd know it was all in good fun. I do however, flirt shamelessly with Lexy. And Jist is okay with that, as he is secure and my stalking and cerebral crush are not a big deal.
For me? Flirtation is okay in certain circumstances, depending on where it originates and the purpose behind it.

Single_Rob's photo
Sun 03/23/08 08:59 AM

Rob I see your side of things very well myself if one tells me that I'm not their type that is fine with me. I would leave things at that and move on. But now I normaly go for the friendships on here anyway if I speak to some one here that is where it is being based from and nothing else. I understand that size or other things are a turn off for some. That is their choice and one should never be downed for their choice's in life.

We are who we are. There is not one person here that wouold date someone if that certain thing within a person totaly turns them off. And they need to understand that and back off once someone nicely says sorry your not what I'm looking for. It's that simply. Problem is some get pushy and make it bad for the rest.

All we can do is follow what we believe and keep things as civil as we can without throwing out words to hurt others out of spite.

I agree about the hurtful words, but we really don't need 10 threads validating a persons body type either. If the typical "barbie' threw up posts like that it would offend a lot of people. Some of the bbw threads in here say hurtful things about peole who are thinner too. One side of the coin is no less sensitive than the other. Joking is one thing, hurting is another

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 03/23/08 09:08 AM

Rob I see your side of things very well myself if one tells me that I'm not their type that is fine with me. I would leave things at that and move on. But now I normaly go for the friendships on here anyway if I speak to some one here that is where it is being based from and nothing else. I understand that size or other things are a turn off for some. That is their choice and one should never be downed for their choice's in life.

We are who we are. There is not one person here that wouold date someone if that certain thing within a person totaly turns them off. And they need to understand that and back off once someone nicely says sorry your not what I'm looking for. It's that simply. Problem is some get pushy and make it bad for the rest.

All we can do is follow what we believe and keep things as civil as we can without throwing out words to hurt others out of spite.

I agree about the hurtful words, but we really don't need 10 threads validating a persons body type either. If the typical "barbie' threw up posts like that it would offend a lot of people. Some of the bbw threads in here say hurtful things about peole who are thinner too. One side of the coin is no less sensitive than the other. Joking is one thing, hurting is another

I totaly agree with you on that it goes both ways. It does not get anyone any brownie points at all. Myself I would never put someone down for their size or looks. For you can have the most beautiful person and when they open their mouth turn out to be the most ugliest person you know. Or have someone that is average that when they speak their beauty shines in a different way.

Hell I don't get jealous cause someone is pretty and petite. Now it does pain me if they use it to get what they want and run over others because of it. I have seen it happen to many times to guys and it is sad. But I'm not going to make a thread about that type to get my point across. And sit and belittle them for what would that say about me?

Single_Rob's photo
Sun 03/23/08 09:11 AM

Rob I see your side of things very well myself if one tells me that I'm not their type that is fine with me. I would leave things at that and move on. But now I normaly go for the friendships on here anyway if I speak to some one here that is where it is being based from and nothing else. I understand that size or other things are a turn off for some. That is their choice and one should never be downed for their choice's in life.

We are who we are. There is not one person here that wouold date someone if that certain thing within a person totaly turns them off. And they need to understand that and back off once someone nicely says sorry your not what I'm looking for. It's that simply. Problem is some get pushy and make it bad for the rest.

All we can do is follow what we believe and keep things as civil as we can without throwing out words to hurt others out of spite.

I agree about the hurtful words, but we really don't need 10 threads validating a persons body type either. If the typical "barbie' threw up posts like that it would offend a lot of people. Some of the bbw threads in here say hurtful things about peole who are thinner too. One side of the coin is no less sensitive than the other. Joking is one thing, hurting is another

I totaly agree with you on that it goes both ways. It does not get anyone any brownie points at all. Myself I would never put someone down for their size or looks. For you can have the most beautiful person and when they open their mouth turn out to be the most ugliest person you know. Or have someone that is average that when they speak their beauty shines in a different way.

Hell I don't get jealous cause someone is pretty and petite. Now it does pain me if they use it to get what they want and run over others because of it. I have seen it happen to many times to guys and it is sad. But I'm not going to make a thread about that type to get my point across. And sit and belittle them for what would that say about me?

good lord knows that is true. I was out on a date a couple weeks ago, and the girl was VERY attractive, but had the mind of a ferrett. I couldn't run away fast enough

no photo
Sun 03/23/08 12:33 PM
I just wanna know who told Lex to find non drinkers at Church? Unless you mean not drunk at Church...
By my experience.. The ratio of drinkers vs. non drinkers in Church? Are just the same as any other social circle... with exception to maybe AA meetings... Big maybe at that.

hikerchick's photo
Sun 03/23/08 12:37 PM

well I don't really think the problem is that people have preferences, the problem is with the people who do not fit that mold. People do not like rejection, and the simple fact is that when rejected they tend to strike out at the world. If said people were really as confortable in their own skin as they say, they would never make posts about it. I have had a lot of ****ty emails from people when I told them I was not interested in them like that. If the woman was bigger, it was always the "sory I am not a barbie" message. If they were tall, it was amazon, short, midget, you get the idea. People like to attack others to attempt to draw them down to their level. If people would truly just be happy with who they are, life would be so much easier

Rob, what about an overweight, chainsaw-wielding, old woman with pictures of goats, dogs and horses in her profile??
You would fall instantly in love, right????

no photo
Sun 03/23/08 12:40 PM

I just wanna know who told Lex to find non drinkers at Church? Unless you mean not drunk at Church...
By my experience.. The ratio of drinkers vs. non drinkers in Church? Are just the same as any other social circle... with exception to maybe AA meetings... Big maybe at that.

One of my friends (an ex-gf who somehow still talks to me) mentioned it one day -- she goes to a church where she tells me there are a lot of hypocrites and liars but very few drinkers. Since I apparently don't have any rules about hypocrites and liars (see, I didn't think you really needed a "rule" for that, I thought it was more or less implied), she figured I could find someone there.

It's a moot point anyway, since there are only two people I have any interest in at all, and neither one goes there.

hikerchick's photo
Sun 03/23/08 12:42 PM

Rob I see your side of things very well myself if one tells me that I'm not their type that is fine with me. I would leave things at that and move on. But now I normaly go for the friendships on here anyway if I speak to some one here that is where it is being based from and nothing else. I understand that size or other things are a turn off for some. That is their choice and one should never be downed for their choice's in life.

We are who we are. There is not one person here that wouold date someone if that certain thing within a person totaly turns them off. And they need to understand that and back off once someone nicely says sorry your not what I'm looking for. It's that simply. Problem is some get pushy and make it bad for the rest.

All we can do is follow what we believe and keep things as civil as we can without throwing out words to hurt others out of spite.

I agree about the hurtful words, but we really don't need 10 threads validating a persons body type either. If the typical "barbie' threw up posts like that it would offend a lot of people. Some of the bbw threads in here say hurtful things about peole who are thinner too. One side of the coin is no less sensitive than the other. Joking is one thing, hurting is another

I think there are joys and burdens on both sides of the fence. I would never want to see a thin vs fat mentality take over here, and I do see it developing. We are all women trying to do the best we can with what we have been given. We have more in common that we have differences and we should celebrate our commonalities.

Personally, I don't want to be with anyone who can't appreciate me for me. So if someone doesn't want me, who am I to get angry about it? Why would I want to be with someone who isn't attracted to me?

no photo
Sun 03/23/08 12:46 PM

she goes to a church where she tells me there are a lot of hypocrites and liars but very few drinkers.

Hmmm... I've had some experiences with alcohol, that could drive a man to religion.. And I've had some religion experiences that could drive a man to drinking.

From that view point.. They kind of look to go hand in hand.

no photo
Sun 03/23/08 01:16 PM

she goes to a church where she tells me there are a lot of hypocrites and liars but very few drinkers.

Hmmm... I've had some experiences with alcohol, that could drive a man to religion.. And I've had some religion experiences that could drive a man to drinking.

From that view point.. They kind of look to go hand in hand.

I agree -- I've known a lot of people who were quite devout in both directions.

A couple years ago I was working on a theory that churches and bars are essentially the same -- they get a bunch of people in the door, they take their money, and they dispense a product which is antithetical to reality....I need to go back and brush that up a little....

no photo
Sun 03/23/08 01:40 PM
To be prejudist against anyone YOU don't know because of the WAY 'YOU" think they are, is WRONG.
EVERYONE should be met and looked at for WHO THEY ARE NOT what WE "THINK" they might be like.:heart:
I have seen SOME completely CHANGE their life around when met with someone that SHOWED them real compassion and care.
NOT ALOT,lol but a few.:heart:
And to THINK that being a Christian MAKES YOU A GOOD PERSON, is NOT TRUTH.
MANY Christians do NOT follow GODS RULES or LIVE their lives to be REAL WITH LIFE, And GOD.
And big, small, short, tall, red, pink,yellow, blue, pretty, ugly, dis-figured, crippled, handicaped, old, young, smart, dumb, mentally challenged, ALL,,,,,,,,,PEOPLE,,,
WE OUR HUMAN BEINGS, and with that WE will SEE things different. BUT """"WE ALL""""" can agree on what EACH of US CALL, A GOOD PERSON!!!
THIS WORLD would TRULLY ""ROCK"" if WE ALL did...

A preference is just, THAT PERSONS DESIRES!
NOT A SHOWING of their HATES,,,,,just THEIR desire to find one THEY "FEEL" will match their IDEA of THEIR.... right one.

:heart: flowerforyou :wink: drinker

Winx's photo
Sun 03/23/08 07:12 PM
Edited by Winx on Sun 03/23/08 07:13 PM


This is incorrect.

I meant it to be: flowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 03/23/08 07:15 PM
smokin I prefer intimate encounters but I will go for activity partners too.smokin

hikerchick's photo
Sun 03/23/08 07:17 PM

smokin I prefer intimate encounters but I will go for activity partners too.smokin

yes but the activity has to be sex.

no photo
Sun 03/23/08 07:18 PM


This is incorrect.

I meant it to be: flowerforyou

OK, that makes more sense now!

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

yashafox_F4X1's photo
Sun 03/23/08 07:19 PM
Bartleby Scrivner had preferences, too.

penny52's photo
Sun 03/23/08 07:25 PM
Well this is coming from a BBW I put it plainly in my profile as not to confuse anyone. We have that freedom to have our OWN preferences, and we all should but not be hateful about it. Hell I have quite a few preferences that nobody can take away from me. We all dance to the beat of our own drummer!

Jess642's photo
Sun 03/23/08 07:26 PM
Edited by Jess642 on Sun 03/23/08 07:27 PM
huh Do I have to have preferences???

Do I have to narrow everything down to tidy little boxes and labels???ohwell ohwell

Is that why being 638 000 miles from everyone else makes it so difficult to find a date???

If I get all narrow and specific and have clearly defined preferences, and try not to be too articulate, it is possible, just possible I could get a date???

:wink: laugh

penny52's photo
Sun 03/23/08 07:28 PM
No you dont have to put all that in your profile just know what you are looking for and be particular as to get what ya came for!

Jess642's photo
Sun 03/23/08 07:30 PM

No you dont have to put all that in your profile just know what you are looking for and be particular as to get what ya came for!

Oh....ok....thanks for that....:wink: flowerforyou laugh