Topic: Weird Dreams | |
Here is a weird dream for ya all.
Can't remember the exact beginning of it. But J is over and I am having trouble waking up. As some point, the phone rings and he comes yelling at me to take care of my financial issues myself. It was my phone he answered so why he was so upset, I didn't know. And since he had been where I was and understood, I was really confused. So I go after him to find out what is going on and he is in a shop getting his haircut. Three people in there has formerly gone to Spankcandy shows and were telling me about it's demise, as it got worse and worse and people stopped going. The less people went, the more bizarre and warped the show became, so that even the most hard core bdsm people couldn't even figure out what the point was of the skits. The hair cut is done and we go in to take a peak at the theatre in the basement of the barber shop. It was a strange, twisted, stilted version of something I saw on PBS as a child involving cats. We go to leave, only the exit is some kinda carnival house thing in which we have to crawl up a slopped tunnel. J has no trouble getting through. I can't get through. I get my shoulders in and can't move my arms. Which is weird. Since J has bigger shoulders and no problem. I go back and ask the doorman if there is a different exit. I follow where he pointed and end up in a kitchen with no exit. I ask for help and realize all the kitchen workers are life size Dairy Queen boys and Qupie dolls. It kinda freaks me out a bit and I leave, backing out slowly. They looked very confused as why anyone would want to leave. J had come back to find me. HE goes to the other exit. It was the same as the front one. Only smaller. I can only get one arm into it. J just turns into a cat and runs through it. Only it doesn't go anyplace. It is like a free standing cat tower. Only there is no place for him to have gone to or exited. I end up pulling the thing apart trying to figure out where he could be. As if somehow, that will tell me how I can get out of the place. I wake up now. I decided I really didn't want to go back to sleep after that dream. Is it weird enough? |
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Very weird.. i hate dreams like that
that's frustrating, but at least ther are no giant planarian worms.... to pull you into the earth.... if you encounter these, relax, totally... they'll let go..... and shoot up as fast as you can.
I have many weird dreams. Usually, they are more fun than this. I swear, a kitchen full of life sized, living dolls is far creepier than a kitchen run by vampires and zombies.
But I don't think I've ever experienced anything like giant planarian worms. |
I've been having strange and disturbing dreams lately. I chalk it up to stress. Thank God I can't remember most of them. And yes, that was a very wierd dream. I wouldn't want to go back to sleep either
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Sat 03/22/08 01:15 PM
yeppers. I have odd dreams too from time to time. But mine are when I wake up my hearts pounding, mouth dry and I normally only wake up because I hit the floor.
I did have a strange preggo dream though, It was a funny one. Me and my cousin ( due with our babies a week apart. ) We're flying and singing.... We can Fly, We can Fly........I woke up laughing thinking what the hell? ![]() |
I've heard that pregnancy dreams can be the absolute weirdest. Makes me wonder, if I dream this weirdly normally, what would mine be like if I was pregnant? I think that I do not want to know.
Wait until you come across an event in your day-to-day routine, and then it'll suddenly trigger your mind as being the meaning of that dream. It happens when you least expect it.
thru out my teen years, i had 2 recurring dreams. one about a dinosaur wreaking havoc in town, but i escape in a mercedes... the other was really creepy. it was like an assembly line-only no people. and i would end up being 'packaged' into a sac, about the size of a pillowcase. i don't remember when they stopped, but it's been at least 10-12 years. |
Well, tinabelle, the first one does kinda sound like a movie I partly remember from way back when. The second sounds really creepy.