Topic: Testimony
yzrabbit1's photo
Fri 03/21/08 05:11 AM
from the web...

Congo: A Hell on Earth for Women

, Sept. 11-Sept. 18, 2003.
Congolese woman

War, ethnic conflict, and the greed of neighboring countries have turned the eastern part of Democratic Republic of Congo into an utterly lawless place. And as if massacres and systematic plundering by armed bands weren’t bad enough, the horror of rape is everywhere, too.

“She came in last evening. Five armed men had raped her the night before, a few kilometers from here,” explains Mathilde Muhindo, director of a social assistance agency of the Roman Catholic diocese of Bukavu, on the eastern border of the Democratic Republic of Congo. “This morning, she was still crying. I cried with her,” says Muhindo, in whose eyes traces of tears are visible. Through a window outside her office, you see the profile of a woman, her shoulders slumped, her face buried in her hands, sitting crumpled on the edge of a bed. Looking away from the building, the eye meets an infinitely tranquil countryside. In the distance, the hills of Rwanda emerge from the mist, which lends a deep gray hue to the mirror-smooth waters of Lake Kivu below.

“It was during 2000 that we began to see women coming in with the worst lesions I’ve ever seen,” remembers Dr. Denis.....

I am on the issue here. I read here that God hears all prayers equally. Whose prayers were answered here?

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 03/21/08 05:14 AM
God doesn't exactly answer everything right away. He has a plan. Simply...the OP believed God helped him...he was happy and thankful. I'm not going to argue with you anymore. I suggest starting your own thread about prayers. You will get the debates you want that way

OrangeCat's photo
Fri 03/21/08 05:20 AM

yzrabbit1's photo
Fri 03/21/08 05:35 AM

God doesn't exactly answer everything right away. He has a plan. Simply...the OP believed God helped him...he was happy and thankful. I'm not going to argue with you anymore. I suggest starting your own thread about prayers. You will get the debates you want that way

I can see the "Ops" picture and already I can tell you, he did not have to go through a war zone to school, he has an education, he is well fed, he lives in the richest country in world, a country were he is free to vote, move were he likes, take what ever job he likes, marry who ever he likes. The chance that five armed soldiers from the neighboring country are going to rape his mother is non-existent. The chance that his children will be soldiers at the age of 10 is also not an issue. He owns a guitar and can spend his free time working on pleasurable pursuits while children and woman all over the world have to scratch and claw just to survive. He has his arms and legs,he can walk and run, smell the morning air and see the sun rise.

After all these blessings from God. After waking up every morning in a multitude of miracles piles on top of piles of miracles. He decided to walk up to God and say "MORE PLEASE"

Then this loving God looked across the world at all this suffering and said. Yes surely those starving children can wait another day, surely the rapped woman can wait a while longer, surely the war torn areas can take it, but the suffering of one American praying for a new Laptop, this cannot wait any longer. This must be rectified today. This rises to the need of one of my miracles. Today I raise the mighty hand of God and make this thing right, today you get your laptop.

wouldee's photo
Fri 03/21/08 07:42 AM
If I had license for every thought in my head that was more important than those of others I should be licentious.

Such a thing is licentiousness to the degree of clouding consensus and agreement.

Where would liberties be without freedom?

in licentious minutia?


God bless all that give thanks for thanksgiving to God, for it is really the only genuine thing we can give to God from our heart, other than the offering of our heart to God.

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

froglittlesis's photo
Fri 03/21/08 07:48 AM
Give him your praise and glory he deserves it!!!!!flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

lurchs_sister's photo
Fri 03/21/08 07:52 AM
Congrats and praise be to Him that knowsflowerforyou flowerforyou

Britty's photo
Fri 03/21/08 07:54 AM

"Sing to the Lord, all the earth; Proclaim good tidings of His salvation from day to day. Tell of His glory among the nations, His wonderful deeds among all the peoples. For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; He also is to be feared above all gods" ( 1 Chron. 16:23-25).


yzrabbit1's photo
Fri 03/21/08 07:58 AM
Edited by yzrabbit1 on Fri 03/21/08 07:58 AM
Exodus 13 15
the LORD killed every firstborn in Egypt

He must just not like Africa's children

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 03/21/08 09:08 AM
Coyote has never got the wabbitt though.. Was your prayers answered wabbitt?:smile: Miles

yzrabbit1's photo
Fri 03/21/08 10:38 AM

Coyote has never got the wabbitt though.. Was your prayers answered wabbitt?:smile: Miles

Yes I already have all my arms and legs, can breath, smile, have friends, children, even had a loving wife for 15 years. How could I possibly not think that everyday is great. Why would I ever ask for more.

I just know that a loving God would not interfere in this world. This universe was set up at the beginning of time and it is set to run its course. We are part of it.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 03/21/08 11:12 AM
drinker drinker drinker

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 03/21/08 12:00 PM
Oh Lord won’t you buy me some mind-blowing sex


Hey, why not? If it worked for a laptop,…

with God anything is possible, right?

scttrbrain's photo
Fri 03/21/08 12:27 PM
Edited by scttrbrain on Fri 03/21/08 12:28 PM
IF ONE TRULY BELIEVES! He does. God may not answer prayers all the time, but he does answer them. Sometimes in ways we do not understand. Or don't want to hear.

If he believes that his prayers were answered, who is anybody to tell him he is wrong for believing God had a hand in this??

I say kudos and praise the Lord that you got something as simple as a laptop. You must need it. Through God the smallest things are possible.

Why is it that some people come in when someone is happy about what they believe, and try and make them feel less than or guilty about receiving? Regardless of what some may see as just wrong because of all the bad in this world, does it really have to mean that this small thing shouldn't have been received because there are people hungry, dying? What does anyone really do to help in these situations? Complain? Throw stones? Ridicule?

I prayed for a job. Any job. I asked for the wisdom to know when I needed to get off my ass and get there when it showed its self to me. All the other jobs I tried to get wouldn't have anything to do with me. My know? Then this one came along, by word of mouth. Many mouths. I had put that application in many times there. No go. I took the hint and got dressed and voila! I had the job. Felony and all. Come to find out...I am not the only one there with a felony. Management has them as well.

This job gives chances. I had just prayed that day for Him to help me know.

Poo poo all you want. I believe.


yzrabbit1's photo
Fri 03/21/08 12:35 PM

It looks like you are saying that the people who are hungry and dying are doing so because they did not pray for food.

I just can't see how that is a loving God.

scttrbrain's photo
Fri 03/21/08 12:37 PM

It looks like you are saying that the people who are hungry and dying are doing so because they did not pray for food.

I just can't see how that is a loving God.

Are you out of your mind man?? If that is what you got out of that....then....crap. I don't even know what to tell you.


yzrabbit1's photo
Fri 03/21/08 12:39 PM

It looks like you are saying that the people who are hungry and dying are doing so because they did not pray for food.

I just can't see how that is a loving God.

Are you out of your mind man?? If that is what you got out of that....then....crap. I don't even know what to tell you.


Here are the words that I saw

".....because there are people hungry, dying? What does anyone really do to help in these situations? Complain? Throw stones? Ridicule?

I prayed for a job. Any job. I asked for the wisdom to know when I needed to get off my ass and get there when it showed its self to me......"

What does that mean?

scttrbrain's photo
Fri 03/21/08 12:57 PM
Edited by scttrbrain on Fri 03/21/08 12:59 PM

It looks like you are saying that the people who are hungry and dying are doing so because they did not pray for food.

I just can't see how that is a loving God.

Are you out of your mind man?? If that is what you got out of that....then....crap. I don't even know what to tell you.


Here are the words that I saw

".....because there are people hungry, dying? What does anyone really do to help in these situations? Complain? Throw stones? Ridicule?

I prayed for a job. Any job. I asked for the wisdom to know when I needed to get off my ass and get there when it showed its self to me......"

What does that mean?

My question was...just because people are in worse shape than it so hard to believe that the one in newer shoes is less deserving than anyone else?

I myself prayed to see or know when my time was coming for a job. I had given up and was afraid I would not be open to another letdown. This job I got came to me through word of mouth in one days time. I almost didn't go. But, I remembered my prayer and asking for the wisdon to know when I was being sent my chance. It was memory of that prayer that got me up and out the door. It was seeing all the people that were telling about this job. I was there within and hour of the last phone call. I got hired that day and went to work the next.

I am not saying that people in dire need that pray get answered all the time. Nor do I think we hear it all the time. We do use our own will most of the time. It is when we let it go many times that we see change.

Throwing stone and the such??

That was in reference to people who sling and do nothing to help those less fortunate. Only finding reasons to push aside a positive, leaning to a negative.

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 03/21/08 01:01 PM
Why is it that some people come in when someone is happy about what they believe, and try and make them feel less than or guilty about receiving?

I don’t think they mean to attack the happiness of the original poster. It comes down to the meaning of a ‘testimonial’. If someone is claiming a ‘testimonial’ of divine intervention shouldn’t they have some reason to actually believe that divine intervention has actually occurred.

I mean, there are many practical reasons why this particular prayer may have seemed to have been answers.

A man prays to God for a laptop. Then during his normal life activities he also quite innocently tells other people that he would really like to have a laptop computer. Word gets around, and someone has one they are no longer using and gives it to him. All of a sudden a deity is given credit for having intervened.

I understand the original poster’s desire to give God credit. And he even stated that he believes that we should give public testimonials when God answers our prayers. But from a sincere point of view, are these testimonials true? By that, I mean, are they actual accounts of divine intervention?

As Rabbit points out. Why would God intervene to get this guy a laptop computer, whilst allowing all the terrible suffering to go on in the world?

If we’re going to believe in an intervening God it only makes sense to ask, why and when does this God intervene? There have been many very sincere good people who have prayed for much more serious things (like the health and welfare of others) and those prayers apparently were completely ignored.

So even if it’s true that God intervenes, the one thing that we know with absolute certainty is that this supposedly intervening God is extremely undependable.

Sad, but true. frown

The only prayer I have to this God is, …

Dear God,

Please answer prayers from the most needy people first.


If this is the only prayer he ever answers from me I’ll be tickled pink. bigsmile

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 03/21/08 01:04 PM

Hey could you do me a favor and go to the tech. forum. I thought you might be able to explain the sound barrier to me thanks buddrinker drinker Miles