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Topic: I REALLY wanta know>>
backinthesaddle's photo
Sat 01/06/07 10:03 PM
What in the Hell is up with most of you. Do you want to just **** around
or are you looking for a relationship. Or are "Ya Sceeired"? And that
goes for most of you woman out there as well. What the ****>? **** or
get off the "pot". I'm sorry guys and gals but stop being afraid to be
your true selves. When you know, you know. Pick up a phone, give them
your address, somethin. Hell, if their a nut ****in shoot their ass. You
only live once, in this sphere anyway............

A traveler nearing a great city asked a woman seated by the wayside,
"What are the people like in the city?"
"How were the people where you came from?'
"A terrible lot," the traveler responded. "Mean, untrustworthy,
detestable in all repects."
"Ah," said the woman, "you will find them the same in the city ahead."
Scarecely was the first traveler gone when another one stopped and also
inquired about the people in the city before him. Again the old woman
asked about the people in the place where the traveler had come from.
"They were fine people; honest, industrious, and generous to a fault. I
was sorry to leave," declared the second traveler.
Responded the wise woman. "So you will find them in the city ahead."

widowerseeking's photo
Sat 01/06/07 10:09 PM
bits I for one would really like to get into a relationship, the problem
is there are no women close to me so that is out also my age is another
factor. I just stay here hoping for the one I seek to join, should that
happen I would be a very happy man.

songbirrd's photo
Sat 01/06/07 10:12 PM
rape,death,identity theft,kidnapping...ect. all worth it for love
right?LMAO i'm sorry but puuuleeeez you can't just trust random ppl on
the side of the road now can you? why would you trust some faceless
person online any easier?

Dreamweaverangel's photo
Sat 01/06/07 10:13 PM
Widower....lets seeeeeeee SOME guys are just wayyyyyy toooo passive and
think that a woman will fall from the sky, on their lazy laps, while
they sit there, behide the computter screen and ......willllll

no photo
Sat 01/06/07 10:14 PM
saddle... what are you saying?.. i get some of what you said ... buts
its not all that clear.

no photo
Sat 01/06/07 10:15 PM
Hey my love how was your day?

Dreamweaverangel's photo
Sat 01/06/07 10:17 PM
<<<<<<<<Picks up a stick and hits the ''F'' out of FUN!

slowtogetit's photo
Sat 01/06/07 10:21 PM
hey dream, why are you picking on me... hell she can just knock on my

no photo
Sat 01/06/07 10:22 PM
Who can knock on your door?

no photo
Sat 01/06/07 10:23 PM
backinthesaddle WTF?

slowtogetit's photo
Sat 01/06/07 10:24 PM
tell me something song. what makes this any different than meeting
someone in a club? you don't know that person either.

lily38's photo
Sat 01/06/07 10:27 PM
Dream, pass me the stick when you get tired. lol Back, what is the deal
with your *****y ****? Man, you start post after post that consist of
nothing but hateful ****. Once in a while is one thing, but this is what
all yours seem to consist of. What business is it of yours who does what
with whom, how often, how much, when or where people do whatever they
choose to, or not to do? Worry about what you're doing here. I think you
are here 'cause you are discontent in your life, and misery loves
company. Hand me a tissue, tito.

slowtogetit's photo
Sat 01/06/07 10:31 PM
fine, dream said some guys are to passive and waiting for a woman to
fall from the sky. and i said hell she can just knock on my door.

backinthesaddle's photo
Sat 01/06/07 10:38 PM
I'll tell you WTF BEEOCH: After a while you learn the subtle
difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul,
And you learn that love doesn't mean leaning and company doesn't mean
And you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts and presents aren't
And you begin to accept your defeats with your head up and your eyes
open, with the grace of an adult, not the grief of a child.
And you learn to build all your roads on today because tomorrow's
ground is too uncertain for plans.
After awhile you learn that even sunshine burns if you get too much.
So plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instaed of waiting
for someone to bring you flowers.
And learn that you really can endure....
That you really are stong,
And you really do have worth.

songbirrd's photo
Sat 01/06/07 10:40 PM
slowtogetit,i've only had one real bf whom i met at school when i was
16.i don't meet guys at clubs because i don't trust random ppl at all
srry.but if i did well yes it's simalar but not the same because you
don't tell all of your info b4 meeting some1 like that.whereas if you
were to meet someone online they'd end up knowing your name address and
phone number according to the post topic.

Dreamweaverangel's photo
Sat 01/06/07 10:40 PM
Lily...I have been reading LOTS of posts, on this site and of all the
gals or guys, on here, thus far, you really have it ''together''....oooo
and so does that guy called, ''Iam''....KOOL!!!!!!

slowtogetit's photo
Sat 01/06/07 10:46 PM
song in no way am i trying to be rude. but if you don't trust random
people, how are you ever going to get out and find your true mate?if you
never talk with anyone how will you ever see if there a good person? or
bad...i agree caution all the way.

lily38's photo
Sat 01/06/07 10:49 PM
Thankyou, Dream, and may I say you are pretty cool yourself!
Back, there's no e or o...just *****...Oh! Capital B. Don't think you
have the monopoly on broken hearts wounded souls. The whole world is
filled with those who have a sad or angry tale or two. I have learned
some things myself along the way; * count your blessings, not your
failings....*accept and appreciate people for who they are....*allow
others their right "to be"......*look around and see how long it takes
you to find someone who is truly in much more turmoil than
yourself......then offer a hand. I have learned more than that, but for
now the ***** is satisfied.

Dreamweaverangel's photo
Sat 01/06/07 10:57 PM
YOURSELF....Is that how that song goes?

no photo
Sat 01/06/07 10:58 PM
why does dream want to hit me with a stick???

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