Topic: do you think LDS are christines?
GhostWhisperer's photo
Mon 03/26/07 11:29 PM
Not real sure who they would consider their greatest prophet. Although
their biggest profit would probably come from all the members paying
tithing. 10% of all memebers income would be A LOT of $$$$$$$$$.

GhostWhisperer's photo
Mon 03/26/07 11:30 PM
*members...even.......darn type-o's laugh

Redykeulous's photo
Tue 03/27/07 09:33 PM
I imagine all those tithings go to support and built the tabernacles.
I found it interesting that by babtizing the dead, the Mormons have
actually created the largest and most complete set of geneological data
in the world. I hope they are never destroyed as war thoughout
history has taken away so much of our history and archival lineage. As
long as they make it open to research, I thing this is one good thing
that the Mormons have accomplished.

Gryphyn's photo
Tue 03/27/07 09:39 PM
Its my understanding the records are kept in several areas of the
churches and on disks all over the world. I have to believe they are
very well protected and as far as I know are always open to the public
for research.


Tue 03/27/07 09:53 PM
I am a baptized mormon..and yes i am a christian

and to save you from i do not have 10,000 wives

if did..i wouldnt be here

no photo
Thu 08/23/07 09:26 PM
hell no they are not they are a cult

no photo
Thu 08/23/07 09:38 PM
Why did the angel take Nephi Plates back to heaven? Do they not belong with man? Would not their existence prove once for all that Mormonism is truth? God allowed the Jews to carry the 10 commandments for several centuries in their original physical form, written by the finger of God Himself

no photo
Thu 08/23/07 09:41 PM
can any morman answer these questions i haven got an answer in 10 years "Will you, as a Mormon, please read the Bible cover to cover and ask God to reveal to you that it contains all of God's message to man and that parts are not lost or altered and that the Book of Mormon is false?" 2.If the original 1830 Book of Mormon was inspired than why were there so many errors and changes and additions and deletions, when compared to current editions? 3 How can we be assured that the translation of the B of M into French or any other language is correct? Only the English translation is claimed to be inspired! 4How do you account for the stunning parallels in both content and order between the B of M and the View of the Hebrews, by Ethan Smith? Published in 1823 (7 years before the B of M) less than 100 miles from the Joseph Smith's parents home

no photo
Thu 08/23/07 09:41 PM
5.Mormon Article of Faith #8: "We Believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God." Why do you only add the phrase, "as far as it is translated correctly" to describe the Bible and not after the book of Mormon when in fact there are far more translating errors in the Book of Mormon than the Bible?

no photo
Thu 08/23/07 09:42 PM
6.If the Book of Mormon is true, then why has the Mormon church changed it? Examples are: 1 Nephi 11:21; 19:20; 20:1 and Alma 29:4. Compare these with the original Book of Mormon. (Gerald and Sandra Tanner have counted 3913 changes in the book of Mormon, excluding punctuation cha

no photo
Thu 08/23/07 09:42 PM
7.How did Joseph Smith carry home the golden plates of the Book of Mormon, and how did the witnesses lift them so easily? (They weighed about 230 lbs. Gold, with a density of 19.3 weighs 1204.7 lbs. per cubic foot. The plates were 7" x 8" by about 6". See Articles of Faith, by Talmage, page 262, 34th ed.)

no photo
Thu 08/23/07 09:43 PM
8.If Moroni devoutly practiced the Mormon Gospel, why is he an angel now rather than a God? (Doc. & Cov. 132:17,37)

no photo
Thu 08/23/07 09:43 PM
9.Why do Mormons emphasize part of the Word of Wisdom and ignore the part forbidding the eating of meat except in winter, cold or famine? (Doc. & Cov. 89:12,13).

no photo
Thu 08/23/07 09:50 PM
How do you explain the fact that 2 Nephi 16:2 is copied from an older version of the KJV of the Bible in Isa 6:2? This is proven because this older KJV (the mistake is corrected in current versions) made a rare gramatical error by using the incorrect plural form of "seraphims" rather than "seraphim

Redykeulous's photo
Thu 08/23/07 11:27 PM
bidright - (Gerald and Sandra Tanner) that's their names. Dang, I've been trying to remember that for years. About 25 years or more ago, I became interested in learning more about the Mormons. I happened upon a lecture hosted by Gerald and Sandra Tanner. That is where I got my first real look at the Mormon church. I was so extremely taken by the sincerity of this couple and their desire to get the truth out to poeple. Still, I try not to be one who makes decisions or forms opinions based on one side of a story. I spent two years doing research and actually read many versions of the Book of Mormon to see the changes. It was some of the most fascinating research I've ever done. It's a testament to how a religion is conceived, formed and prospers. If there was only more psycological research that delves into the needs of those who follow so blindly into such a venture.

anyway - thanks for reminding me of the names that I have been trying so long to remember.

no photo
Fri 08/24/07 12:11 AM
you are so welcome

MicheleNC's photo
Fri 08/24/07 07:52 AM
Who am I to say someone is or is not Christian? Especially since I am Jewish.

Do not judge lest you be judged.

no photo
Fri 08/24/07 12:54 PM
i dont judge them i judge the practice joseph smith was a crook a lier a thief a manipulator

no photo
Fri 08/24/07 01:18 PM
do christians believe this mormons do
God was once a man like us.
God has a tangible body of flesh and bone.
God lives on a planet near the star Kolob.
God ("Heavenly Father") has at least one wife, our "Mother in Heaven," but she is so holy that we are not to discuss her nor pray to her.
We can become like God and rule over our own universe.
There are many gods, ruling over their own worlds.
Jesus and Satan ("Lucifer") are brothers, and they are our brothers - we are all spirit children of Heavenly Father
Jesus Christ was conceived by God the Father by having sex with Mary, who was temporarily his wife.
We should not pray to Jesus, nor try to feel a personal relationship with him.
The "Lord" ("Jehovah") in the Old Testament is the being named Jesus in the New Testament, but different from "God the Father" ("Elohim").
In the highest degree of the celestial kingdom some men will have more than one wife.
Before coming to this earth we lived as spirits in a "pre-existence", during which we were tested; our position in this life (whether born to Mormons or savages, or in America or Africa) is our reward or punishment for our obedience in that life.
Dark skin is a curse from God, the result of our sin, or the sin of our ancestors. If sufficiently righteous, a dark-skinned person will become light-skinned.
The Garden of Eden was in Missouri. All humanity before the Great Flood lived in the western hemisphere. The Ark transported Noah and the other survivors to the eastern hemisphere.
Not only will human beings be resurrected to eternal life, but also all animals - everything that has ever lived on earth - will be resurrected and dwell in heaven.
Christ will not return to earth in any year that has seen a rainbow.
Mormons should avoid traveling on water, since Satan rules the waters.
The sun receives its light from the star Kolob.
If a Gentile becomes Mormon, the Holy Ghost actually purges his Gentile blood and replaces it with Israelite blood

Gryphyn's photo
Sat 08/25/07 08:54 PM
Wow where did you get your information? It would take quite a bit to address this false information. With the exception of Jesus and Satan ("Lucifer") are brothers, and they are our brothers - we are all spirit children of Heavenly Father, and Mormons should avoid traveling on water, since Satan rules the waters. I have never seen or heard of such doctrine in the LDS faith. To post such things without anything to back up your information is Shooting from the hip don't you think?

You have touched on several different doctrines of the LDS faith however I hate to tell you they have been twisted beyond what the church practices.

As for explaining why there have been edits/changes in the book of Mormon, I can only answer it this way, There have been many leaders of the LDS church and like ANY other religion things have been revised as the times change. Most if not all sects of christianity have edited/revised the way they think over the course of the last few 100 years.

Once again you start off by telling people the Mormon Faith is not a Christian Faith, to do so is to show how little knowledge you truly have about the LDS religion.

Get your facts straight before you decide to slam a religion as you seem to be doing these last few days.

Have a nice Night, and yes I will duel with you about the false information you keep posting. Information when it is correct is a powerful thing.

laugh flowerforyou bigsmile