no photo
Thu 03/20/08 12:58 PM
Edited by leahmarie on Thu 03/20/08 01:15 PM
Dragoness .....

Obama shows a true lack of judgment in picking his friends/spiritual leader. Do we want a president who "hangs around" with a racist and someone who is anti-American? Of course not.

Dragoness, it doesn't matter that Wright believes what he preaches. The man is teaching the black community to hate America and whites. That is wrong; therefore, Obama should not have stayed in the church. As far as Imus is concerned, it was in his contract that he was supposed to be controversial. That is why Imus won his law suit against MSNBC. Remember MSNBC had to paid Imus the money he would have earned, if he had remained on the air. Of course, Imus went too far ... you don't play the race card to get ratings.

D. Morris, a former Hillary campaign aid, who hates the Clintons, because Bill punched him out, told the following story. It suprised me that Morris would go negative on Obama since Morris has made it clear he wants Obama to beat Hillary.

At any event, here is the story. Obama was a Muslim and came to Chicago from Hawaii. He had no political connections and there was nothing unusual about him. He felt blacks would not accept him because of his white mother and whites wouldn't align with him since he looks African. So Obama decided to be black since he had the skin and features. Therefore, he joined Trinity Church and formed a friendship with Wright to make himself acceptable to blacks so he could start his political career. Obama hid his Muslim background and claimed he was an aethist. Whether Wright was aware of Obama's Muslim background is unknown. Anyone can figure out that Obama was very much aware of what Wright was espousing since Obama was Wright's friend for over 20 years and a member of his church for 17 years. Why did Obama chose to ignore Wright's rhetoric? It was because Wright and other ministers were helping Obama with money and influence in his political career.

In connection with the above Morris claims Obama doesn't believe any of the crap Wright preaches. Morris also says Obama is not anti-American. However, Obama is in a bad situation since he can't tell people he formed his alliance with Wright for political reasons and chose to ignore all of Wright's hate speeches, because Obama valued his political career above personal integrity. Therefore, Obama has to stand beside Wright, because if he tells the truth, he is finished in the black community.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 03/20/08 01:14 PM

Dragoness .....

I do not believe Obama is as bad as Wright. However, Obama shows a true lack of judgment in picking his friends/spiritual leader. Do we want a president who "hangs around" with a racist and someone who is anti-American? Of course not.

Dragoness, it doesn't matter that Wright believes what he preaches. The man is teaching the black community to hate America and whites. That is wrong; therefore, Obama should not have stayed in the church. As far as Imus is concerned, it was in his contract that he was paid to be controversial. That is why Imus won his law suit against MSNBC and that had to pay him the money he would have been paid had he stayed on the air. Of course, Imus went too far ... you don't become racist, even if you are supposed to be controversial.

**** Morris, a former Hillary campaign aid, who hates the Clintons, because Bill punched him out, told the following story. It suprised me that **** Morris would go negative on Obama since Morris has made it clear he wants Obama to beat Hillary.

At any event, here is the story. Obama was a Muslim and came to Chicago. He had no political connections and there was nothing unusual about him. He felt blacks would not accept him because of his white mother and whites wouldn't accept him since he looks African. So Obama decided he needed to be black since he had the skin and features of a black man. Therefore, he joined Trinity Church and formed a friendship with Wright to make himself acceptable to blacks so he could start his political career. Obama hid his Muslim background and claimed he was an aethist, whether Wright was aware of this is unknown. Obama was very much aware of what Wright was espousing and ignored it since Trinity Church was important and Wright and other ministers were helping Obama with money and influence in his political career. Morris claims Obama doesn't believe any of the crap Wright preaches. However, Obama is in a bad situation since he can't tell people he only went along with Wright to win the black vote. Therefore, Obama has to stand beside Wright, because if he doesn't, he is finished in the black community.

Okay and my original post still stands. We knew that all this inaccurate and badly motivated crap was going to fly. So why buy into it unless you want to buy into it.

The greatest fear for the white racists in this country is to have a black man in power. Even a black president will not change the power structure in this country, white men are the power and will continue to be the power for a long time to come. So the fear is unfounded.

Racists will not vote for Obama, chauvenists will not vote for Hillary. McCain will get those votes, hopefully there is enough non prejudice, non chauvenistic poeple in this country to override these votes.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 03/20/08 01:16 PM
Oh and lets not get into who should hang with who, cause there are some shadowy associations in the background of Bush, Cheney, McCain. So we do not want to got herenoway

no photo
Thu 03/20/08 01:20 PM

There is no comparison of Imus and Obamas preacher. The difference is that the preacher "believes" he is helping his flock, right or wrong, and Imus was derogatory just to be so.

Second, people do not follow everything that their preachers say do, nor do they all believe everything a preacher preaches.

We all knew that the race card would get pulled on this election and the gender card also. We all knew that Bill's problems would plague Hillary.

If you are a racist you were not going to vote for Obama anyway and if you are a chauvenist you were not going to vote for Hillary either so that leave McCain for the ignorant among us.

On this, I can agree with Dragon's post.

Racism and all the various forms of bigotry - including chauvinistic b.s. are alive and rampant globally.

no photo
Thu 03/20/08 01:28 PM
Edited by leahmarie on Thu 03/20/08 01:53 PM
I am not so sure if what Morris is saying is inaccurate since there is an awful lot going around about Obama being Muslim. Remember, Obama's stepfather was a Suni Muslim. They are the terrorists. Also Obama went to a Muslim school for a while. It is my understanding that Obama did go to a Catholic school for a short time, because of his white grandmother's influence. That is the grandmother that he trashed in his "great speech." It would be logical for Obama to claim to be an aethist to hide his Muslim and Catholic background. After all, converting to "Christianity" would give him an excuse to join a powerful black church where he could rise politically.

Sure white racists in this country or any other nation would not want to have a black man in power. It is such a logical thing one doesn't even have to say it. However, I disagree with you. I believe if we had a black president, he could "change the power structure in this country" and put it on a "bit" of a more level playing field. Whether you realize it or not, the tide has turned against WASP men and white people in general. Discrimination has become so openly accepted against white people that in Obama's speech, as I noted above, Obama felt perfectly comfortable throwing his white grandmother under the bus. He used her as the white racist counterpart to his black racist "old uncle," Rev. Wright.

As far as your other comments are concerned, yes, racists will not vote for Obama nor chauvenists for Hillary. Actually, I believe the independents are going to decide who will be president. And if Obama runs on the Democratic ticket we are going to have a Republican president. Obama has destroyed his chances with the independents. They are angry over his lying.

no photo
Thu 03/20/08 01:32 PM

Oh and lets not get into who should hang with who, cause there are some shadowy associations in the background of Bush, Cheney, McCain. So we do not want to got herenoway

Dragoness, Republicans (and Democratics) hang with criminals and crooks. People can accept that since they feel all politicians are dishonest. However, when you associate with racists/anti-Americans you are crossing a line that should not be crossed. This is what Obama has done and America doesn't like it. Obama has lost double digits in the polls. However, the Liberal Left who loved him to begin with still adore him, but he has lost the Republicans who are unhappy with McCain and he has lost 34 per cent of the Independents.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Thu 03/20/08 01:39 PM

There is no comparison of Imus and Obamas preacher. The difference is that the preacher "believes" he is helping his flock, right or wrong, and Imus was derogatory just to be so.

Second, people do not follow everything that their preachers say do, nor do they all believe everything a preacher preaches.

We all knew that the race card would get pulled on this election and the gender card also. We all knew that Bill's problems would plague Hillary.

If you are a racist you were not going to vote for Obama anyway and if you are a chauvenist you were not going to vote for Hillary either so that leave McCain for the ignorant among us.

I'm not racist and i will not vote for one.Perception is everything and its my opinion Osama is a racist and a hypocrite.Has anyone seen his white family on the podium?Nope.If I was his mother ,I would put a foot in his ass.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 03/20/08 01:52 PM
These politicians hang with racists, crooks and criminals and baby shrub loves him some ARABIANS, so we do not want to even cover the ground of who may hang with anti Americans.

Second of all the white bull of how the white man is discriminated against is racists bull crap. I have heard it come from racists mouths myself. It is a mantra for the KKK. So we do not even want to go there either.

Thirdly, If a black man got into the presidency he would still have an almost all white congress, all white support, all white everything except maybe his preacher, sorry little joke there, but he would be one black man in a wall of white and his power as president would not even change the discrimination and prejudice that goes on in this country daily. I only speak from that which I see. Being white, white racists tend to share their views and not even know I am not one of them.noway

So Obama being muslim if it were ever to be true isn't even an issue, Bush loves Arabians. Of which 9/11 bombers were Arabian so that is blown out of the water. And people voted him in, of course, he loves Arabians but has a white face so I guess that probably fooled many there.

no photo
Thu 03/20/08 01:57 PM

I have two white sons who have been discriminated against, because they are white. Don't tell me it is BS.

adj4u's photo
Thu 03/20/08 02:20 PM
ya just figuring this out

why can black comedians call whites crackers

but a white comidian can not use the n word

which in its inception had nothing to do with race
it was obviously taken to mean race at some point
by some one so how did that happen

Dragoness's photo
Thu 03/20/08 02:39 PM

ya just figuring this out

why can black comedians call whites crackers

but a white comidian can not use the n word

which in its inception had nothing to do with race
it was obviously taken to mean race at some point
by some one so how did that happen

Adjflowerforyou I cannot say that there is not prejudice on all sides. I cannot say that. The race in power, white, for America should not be discriminatory as an example to the other races who are fighting for their own place. Whites in this country have shown by example that prejudice is just how it is and others have followed suit. Does it make any of it right, no. But the white power stucture must SHOW not TELL others that we are equal. This is not happening.

As for comedians, I do not approve of alot of comedians material, both white and black, but it is an art form and there will be shock factors and other methods used for the purpose of entertainment.

bastet126's photo
Thu 03/20/08 03:38 PM
wow are people closed minded -- how is obama going to church, in a predominantly black community, racist?!?! when was the last time you hate mongers went to an all black congegration? get over it. he's not racist, he mother is white, and so what, who cares?? he's running for the democratic nomination of president, and the wonderful mind molding media has taken some snippets and created this illusion that everyone just supports like zombies. read the issues, pick the best candidate and hard as it might look past color for once. it's sickening how people complaining about racists are the biggest ones of all. mad

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Thu 03/20/08 04:19 PM
oh so if we don't like a canidate who happens to be black(he isnt)
then we are racist..yeah okay.I have been to an all black church many friends mother was a preacher.not once was "whitey" blamed for anything or hate preached.try again bastet.

Lindyy's photo
Thu 03/20/08 05:35 PM

There is no comparison of Imus and Obamas preacher. The difference is that the preacher "believes" he is helping his flock, right or wrong, and Imus was derogatory just to be so.

Second, people do not follow everything that their preachers say do, nor do they all believe everything a preacher preaches.

We all knew that the race card would get pulled on this election and the gender card also. We all knew that Bill's problems would plague Hillary.

If you are a racist you were not going to vote for Obama anyway and if you are a chauvenist you were not going to vote for Hillary either so that leave McCain for the ignorant among us.

I'm not racist and i will not vote for one.Perception is everything and its my opinion Osama is a racist and a hypocrite.Has anyone seen his white family on the podium?Nope.If I was his mother ,I would put a foot in his ass.

I TOTALLY agree. I have 2 biracial cousins. I know what my cousin would do if one of her children acted like Obama - he would be very sore for a long time.


bastet126's photo
Thu 03/20/08 05:35 PM
i'll back down, i'm not trying to make enemies here - i just wish we lived in a world where the media didn't explode things into something they are not. everyone jumps on the band wagon and starts judging a man over 30 seconds of footage. it's very sad.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 03/20/08 05:43 PM

i'll back down, i'm not trying to make enemies here - i just wish we lived in a world where the media didn't explode things into something they are not. everyone jumps on the band wagon and starts judging a man over 30 seconds of footage. it's very sad.

flowerforyou The battle wages on, white racists talk of reverse discrimination but the race in power cannot be discriminated against it is impossible. The minorities lash out in the only avenue available to them which is huh words. Continually whites degrade and denounce the struggle and prejudices that the minorities suffer daily. It goes on and on.

Until whites stop doing it and make the example for others of how we should live, without blaming others and with respect and consideration for the life struggle of all, it will continue.noway

adj4u's photo
Thu 03/20/08 05:45 PM
well time for a fact post

1. if not fro blacks selling other blacks to slave traders there would have been no slave trade (african tribes sold their captives into slavery - black on black crime even way back then)

2. if it were not for the abolitionists (mostly whites)[in the united states anyway] then the underground railroad would not of help the slave escape

3. even tho the civil war was as much if not more about states rights than slavery if it was not for the army of the north (mostly whites) then the north would not have won the war.

4. the north winning the war gave teeth to the emancipation proclamation which was implemnted by the northern govt (i dare to say all white)

5. altho the civil rights groups were mostly black there were a lot of whites involved and even killed to help move the civil rights campaign forward


now this b n said

no wonder there is so much animosity between parts of both black and white races

the blacks sold themselves into slavery and the whites freed them

and then also so fought and died beside them to help move there civil rights movement forward

and the blacks see the ol masser as the typical white man
and relate all of those injustices to all whites

where as if not for the balcks that captured and sold other blacks to slave traders

there would have been no masser to begin with


just a thought to ponder

bastet126's photo
Thu 03/20/08 05:48 PM
and you just proved dragoness' point

adj4u's photo
Thu 03/20/08 06:00 PM

and you just proved dragoness' point

i am not sure of what you mean could you explain it

Dragoness's photo
Thu 03/20/08 06:23 PM

and you just proved dragoness' point

i am not sure of what you mean could you explain it

I can, adj, if you would like.

White racist use this rhetoric that you just posted as an excuse to justify themselves about the slavery issue. Although some of it is true, there were black slave traders not all but some, there were whites who helped in the underground railroad, etc.... None of those listed excuses the use of humans for animals. That is the reason that it proves my point.

Slavery was a wrong that this country cannot right. And black folks are still struggling desperately to come up from the residual problems of 100 years of slavery. Do black folks have problems in their community, you bet. Are their good black folks trying desperately to live the American dream and contribute to the country, you bet. Does the negative light shine on them constantly, you bet. Whites are still part of the problem here. Prejudice and discrimination are alive and well in this country. I have witnessed it myself so I know it is very much alive.

So no offense intended here adj, but white folks do not realize sometimes the perpetuation that they do in many many ways.flowerforyou