Topic: Keeping Up with Granny...and the "Old Guys" | |
I have always dreaded old age. I cannot imagine anything worse than
being old, maybe infirm, perhaps alone. How awful it must be to have nothing to do all day long but stare at the walls or watch TV. So when it was suggested we all celebrate Senior Citizen Week by cheering up a senior citizen, I was dtermined to do just that. i would call on my new neighbor, an elderly retired gentleman, recently widowed, who, I presumed, had moved in with his married daughter because he was too old to take care of himself. I baked a batch of cookies and, without bothering to call (some old people cannot hear the phone), I went off to brighten this guy's day. When I rang the doorbell, the "old guy" came to the door dressed in tennis shorts and a polo shirt, looking about as ancient and decrepit as Donny Osmond. I'm sorry I can't invite you in," he said when I introduced myself, "but I'm due at the Racquet Club at two. I'm playing in the semi-finals today." "Oh, that's all right," I said. "I baked you some cookies...." "Great!" he interrupted, snatching the box. "Just what I need for bridge club tomorrow! Thanks so much!" "......and just thought we'd visit awhile. But that's o.k.! I'll just trot across the street and call on Granny Grady." (Now, Granny Grady is not really my grandmother; she is just an old lady who has lived in our neighborhood forever, and everybody calls her "Granny". "Don't bother," he said. "Gran's not home: I know, I just called to remind her of our date to go dancing tonight. She may be at the beauty shop. She mentioned at breakfast that she had an appointment for a tint job." I wished him luck with his tennis game (though I was much more interested in his game with Granny) and bade him good-day. But I am not easily discouraged, I had set aside that afternoon to call on somebody old, and by golly, I was going to find somebody old to call on! I called my mother's cousin (age 83); she was in the hospital...working in the gift shop. I called my Aunt (age74); she was on vacation in China. I called my husband's uncle (age 79). I forgot he was on his honeymoon. And then I remembered old sister Margaret, a nun who had been my teacher in grade school. She lived in a retirement home for nuns, and it had been several years since I had seen her. I wondered if the old dear was too senile to remember me. The "old dear" wasn't there. "Whom did you want?" the receptionist had asked when I had inquired if it would be convenient for me to visit. "Sister Margaret," I repeated. "Sister Magaret...." mused the receptionist. "Oh! You mean Mercedes! he's away on tour this week." "Mercedes?" I asked. "On tour?" "Mercedes is Sister Marsret's stage name," said the receptionist. "When she became an actress, she took the name Mercedes because she had always admired Mercedes McCambridge and because she thought Mercedes sounded more seductive than Margaret." "She...uh...became an actress?" I asked, too stunned to wonder when Sister had learned the meaning of the word "seductive." "Actually, she's more of a producer-director," the receptionist explained. "A couple of years ago she organized a senior citizens' drama club, and eventually it evolved into a caravan theater. They go all over the state putting on plays. She'll be back Thursday, but she leaves again that evening for Washington, D.C. She's on the White House Commision on Aging, you know." No, I didn't know, and I can't imagine how she got on such a commission, since she obviously knows nothing about aging! And I don't want to know about it either! I still dread old age, now more than ever. I just don't think I'm up to it!!!!! |
REAL! I, myself, cannot keep up with my mom, who will be 70, next month...she, even knows how to work computters better than me, can out-walk me, out-run me, out-fish me, out-work me, and even more....yep....they don't make old people like they use daughter is 19 and grandma can out-do her, as well! LMAO! |
Hello Dreamweaver. Thank God for people who like to read. I'm not real
computer literate. What does FOTF mean? Listening to some Johnny Cash and havin a sip. Thanks for readin. |
I am 64 and I am injoying my life and have never been sick.Why should I
want to die,as sure as you are born you are going to die.There are some young people that are worst off than older people.I don't know what is on the other side so why should I want to go there?Every time you awake should be the first day of your life use it don't abuse it and live happily.Never worry about whats around the corner turn the corner and see you may be surprised. |
That was tooo good loved it!
that is so funny.. i loved it.
Just found this & had to bring it back up.
There are a lot of widow & (I assume) widowers (like me) on this site & in this world. As we boomers age, some of us are going to die, leaving a sig.other behind. I think this group has a bit of a different spin on dating & relationships. I would like to see more of us speaking up about how/what/where etc. of life experiences we are facing. Com on folks speak up |
Please no talk about dying on here.... it'll come soon enough for some
of us. Think young, make friend, don't worry be happy ![]() |
Didn't mean talk of death. Talk about life, grandkids, trips, helping
others. I have done a lot in the past 10 yrs. |
You go oldsage, I am still young(55), yet old enough(55) to know what
needs to be done in this world, for this world, and by this world. GT |
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u r as young as u feel, and as old as u look or is it the other way....u
r as old as y look, and as young as u feel. or is it u r as young as u look, and as old as u myself, i feel with my fingers. forget the seeing. i do my best work in the dark. |
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