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Topic: Where to meet quality single men
no photo
Fri 01/05/07 08:21 PM
Dating is the most difficult and bittersweet courtship... it can be fun,
it can be painful, but it is life experience in the purest form because
love is the one thing that someone may long for their entire life but
have no control over.

For those of us who still believe in faithful, mutual love...will it
ever happen for us?

Will someone walk into our lives one day and change everything? Where do
the few quality people left out there meet these days?

Someone who has there life together or is going in the right direction.
Someone who takes care of themselves. Someone who likes to try new
things and has a sense of adventure. Where do you meet single men
looking for the same?

slowtogetit's photo
Fri 01/05/07 10:02 PM
i'm here

mtironroses's photo
Fri 01/05/07 10:11 PM
if.............. you ever find the answer, let me know. Good luck to

slowtogetit's photo
Fri 01/05/07 10:30 PM
when she does mt. she can let me know where the ladies

dcnbls's photo
Fri 01/05/07 10:37 PM
Sometimes love is right in front of our eyes, but we don't see it.
Perhaps its our expectations that blind us, we know what we want, but
its so hard to find in another individual.
We may find some of those things in someone, or even ourselves but not
all of them.
A diamond has many facets, and like the Diamond so do people have many
sides to them.
It takes time to know someone, but this world is intent on one night
relationships, and our own selfish reasons of how much we can take or
get away with . We all collectively create our own circumstances.
This why you hear, “Is there any good men or women left”? or something
or other to that note.
We all need to invest the time to get to know one another, take a
chance, and give one another a chance.
Take the chance your heart might be broken one more time. For only those
willing to risk, will be able to find that what they seek.

Love can only be given freely, and then freely accepted.
It has taken me a life time to find myself , to finally know myself ,
and some of the things that I have found I didn’t like.
I like that movie “ As good as it gets” there is a line that Jack
Nickolson says, “ You make me want to be a better Man”.
Sometimes the best in us, can bring out the best in others.
I also found out that I wasn’t as bad a person as I had thought I was.
We are all very judgmental of others, but even more self critical of

Quote “ Judge not lest ye be judged by the same measure” You all know
the author.

We all have many wonderful gifts, that we should be using for the
betterment of man.
We sometimes use these gifts for our own selfish reasons.
Learn to over look the faults of others, and you will find LOVE.

Learn to love unconditional as a child does.
Learn to forgive unconditional as a child does.
Be free and love as if your heart has never been broken like a child

Quote “ come to me as children” You all know the author.

There is a lot that we may learn from a child.---------Dcnbls

I know very DEEP---- I have been labled that before, but I am a Deep
Fish, and you Shallow Fish can’t catch me.

I have posted this twice, please forgive me, but its late and I wanted
to reply to this post as well-----------Dcnbls

no photo
Fri 01/05/07 10:39 PM
a good start would be right here... ya never know.

mtironroses's photo
Fri 01/05/07 10:42 PM
I think you guys also understand...Nice to know that!!! smiles to you !!

Sluggo's photo
Fri 01/05/07 10:49 PM
Rainbow as the saying goes it will find you in "Gods Speed"

DC...WAY TOO MUCH to read.....

no photo
Fri 01/05/07 10:49 PM
good morning roses..

no photo
Fri 01/05/07 10:51 PM
I'm with you Sluggo way to much lol

mtironroses's photo
Fri 01/05/07 10:56 PM
good morning 4fun

dcnbls's photo
Fri 01/05/07 10:58 PM
Sorry , but I think the girls liked it.
Thanks for reading it though.-----Dcnbls

mtironroses's photo
Fri 01/05/07 11:00 PM
And you too sluggo and M

mtironroses's photo
Fri 01/05/07 11:02 PM
nice reading though dnc. nice

dcnbls's photo
Fri 01/05/07 11:07 PM
The heart can be long winded, I know!
I'll try to keep it to a sound bite in the future-------dcnbls

no photo
Fri 01/05/07 11:20 PM
slow? NOT I just don't have time for alot it's completely fine to post
as much as you feel free to others may have the time to read :)

TheShadow's photo
Fri 01/05/07 11:32 PM
I believe it will hapen to me it's just learning how not to jump at the
first one that comes along. Se I use to do that when I was younger but
as you get older you know and see things differntly and you learn how to
take things slow. See for me it is alittle easy to find someone on here
I have not had that problem finding some one but what I have the problem
with is finding the one I feel comfortable with and is kinda looking for
the same things I'm looking for. So until then IL keep being me and see
what happens

lily38's photo
Fri 01/05/07 11:52 PM
I've met some of my best ex-husbands in bars........guys get prettier at
closing time, too........

leroy01's photo
Sat 01/06/07 12:18 AM
Shadow well said!

mtironroses's photo
Sat 01/06/07 12:20 AM
cynical Lil... but ok, to each his/her own

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