Topic: not sure what to do...
fivespeedrt's photo
Fri 01/05/07 11:44 AM
I might be running around in cirles who knows. For those of u have read
my previous posts im talking about the girl i have been dating. I went
to go see her yesterday. She was very skiddish at fist wouldnt even look
at me or talk to me.... then we went to the bar and she warmed up again
and talked and told me all that has been goin on with her this week. We
got along the rest of the night and had a fun time and i talked to her
on the phone till about 5 in the morning. She for some reason has this
additude of she got screwed over in her last realtionship so y should
she stay commited to one person. She only wants a 2-3 yr realtionship
with somone then move on to somthin else.... hmmmm.... what to do what
to do.... probably need to figure this one out for myself. Im probably
the only one who can tell myself what right.

no photo
Fri 01/05/07 11:54 AM
Maybe she is afraid of getting hurt again.

Maybe she is testing the water?

I am NOT saying that you are one of them, but what if she was in an
abusive relationship before you came into her life?

Patience, caring, and understanding might help.

Sluggo's photo
Fri 01/05/07 11:56 AM
Did you get any from her last night?

Nervesgone's photo
Fri 01/05/07 11:56 AM
Until she gets the X out of the picture, You my friend are a booty call.
Not bad if that is what you want!

no photo
Fri 01/05/07 11:59 AM
I hope that it all goes the right way for you sweetie, just have
patience, and YES, make sure the X is out of the picture.

fivespeedrt's photo
Fri 01/05/07 12:01 PM
fineporcelain-She has the additude of i dont give a f... anymore im goin
to do what i want with who ever i want. She says she dosnt care if i
look at other girls i can do what i want... she did get along with her
ex towards the end. She wants so badly to get out of where she lives now
but dosnt have an outlet to do it. There arnt jobs around where she
Sluggo- unfortunatly not as much as i would like dude.

no photo
Fri 01/05/07 12:04 PM
Then you need to move on sweetie, you are too nice of a guy to let her
hurt you.

I wish you the best.

Just one woman's opinion

fivespeedrt's photo
Fri 01/05/07 12:06 PM
fineporcelain- thank u for the advice. im goin to take everything in
stride at this pt.....

no photo
Fri 01/05/07 12:08 PM
Please be careful and let me know what happens

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 01/05/07 12:11 PM
Well hell was gonna say run run as fast as you can in another direction
that your just a booty call. But........ damn she had to go and have a
good time with you even talked to you and went home by herself and noo
booty. So now I have to have a change of heart sounds like to me is does
like you more than she is willing to admit and is on the downfall of
pushing you away cause you are getting tooo close to her and she don't
know how to handle it. So don't push the issue just keep talking to her
don't even try to get her to bed it will put her head in a tail spin not
knowing what is going on and possibly take a differnt look at the
situation between her and you.

But only you can make that choice depends on how you really feel about
her funny if you just ignore her for a few days might be supprise that
she might contact you instead after she thinks about things. But.....
your yound don't waste to much time on this situation might be time real
soon just to move on.

fivespeedrt's photo
Fri 01/05/07 12:12 PM
fineporcelain- i will do.. the one thing i cant figure out is that I
call her baby and she calls me booboo and she talks to me about things
we see eachother alot and yet we are only dating... i cant figure that
one out

fivespeedrt's photo
Fri 01/05/07 12:16 PM
TxsGal3333- i havnt been tryin to get her in bed i have told her when
she is ready she ready i can wait but it looks like it wont ever happen
cause she dosnt want to do it with me cause my thing is too big!

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 01/05/07 05:37 PM
Okay can you age about 30 years and come to texas lmao just joking lol

no photo
Fri 01/05/07 05:46 PM
sounds like she doesnt really know what she wants. sounds like she is
still young right?

no photo
Fri 01/05/07 05:49 PM
They both are baby

no photo
Fri 01/05/07 05:53 PM