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Topic: Food for thought
screaMNchic's photo
Tue 06/03/08 08:23 AM
Be Patient with Everyone

--from writings by St. Francis de Sales

Be patient with everyone, but above all with yourself . . . do not be disappointed by your imperfections, but always rise up with fresh courage.

How are you to be patient in dealing with your neighbor's faults if you are impatient in dealing with your own?

They who are worried by their own shortcomings will not correct them.

All positive progress comes from a calm and peaceful mind.

screaMNchic's photo
Wed 06/04/08 09:25 AM
Anyone can fight the battles of just one day. It is only when you and I add the burden of those two awful eternities, yesterday and tomorrow that we break down. It is not the experience of today that drives us mad. It is the remorse or bitterness fro something that happened yesterday or the dread of what tomorrow may bring. Am I living one day at a time?

Meditation for the Day

I give God the gift of a thankful heart. When life seems hard, I look for some reasons for thankfulness. If I seek diligently for something to be glad and thankful about, I will acquire in time the habit of being constantly grateful for all God's blessings.

Prayer for the Day

I pray that I may be constantly reminded of causes for sincere gratitude.

screaMNchic's photo
Wed 06/04/08 09:33 AM
yeah, it's an AA topic but you can take that away and get something from it- also if you are not religious it works too-

Thanks for reading....


1956CLEO's photo
Wed 06/04/08 10:17 AM

Anyone can fight the battles of just one day. It is only when you and I add the burden of those two awful eternities, yesterday and tomorrow that we break down. It is not the experience of today that drives us mad. It is the remorse or bitterness fro something that happened yesterday or the dread of what tomorrow may bring. Am I living one day at a time?

Meditation for the Day

I give God the gift of a thankful heart. When life seems hard, I look for some reasons for thankfulness. If I seek diligently for something to be glad and thankful about, I will acquire in time the habit of being constantly grateful for all God's blessings.

Prayer for the Day

I pray that I may be constantly reminded of causes for sincere gratitude.

Wonderful words of wisdom!flowerforyou

screaMNchic's photo
Wed 06/11/08 09:59 AM
Don't miss out on today's learning experiences.

They won't come again. We will never have another day exactly like today, so let's take advantage of the lessons we're offered.

We don't like to make mistakes, and we don't like to be in situations that are fraught with stress, but mistakes and distress seem to go along with being human and alive. Both can be turned into sound learning experiences.

We don't learn if we try to deny or ignore the situation we don't like or don't handle well; nor do we learn if we try to fix unpleasant circumstance with over- and under eating. How much better if we can accept the difficulty, see how we have contributed to it, and arrive at a positive course of action. And how often it helps to talk about the problem with someone else instead of pridefully insisting on muddling through alone. Very likely, we will discover that today's richest learning experiences are those we share with others.

I will accept the lessons today offers and share them with someone else so that we both can grow.

screaMNchic's photo
Thu 07/10/08 10:55 AM
The Importance Of Relationships
Be Interested in Others
by Mac Hammond

Dale Carnegie once said, "You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years of trying to get other people interested in you."

This wise saying describes another key to organizational growth. The Bible echoes this truth when it says, "If you want friends, you must show yourself friendly." This is the essence of the business buzzword, "relationship marketing."

My question for you is: "Which saying better describes your heart toward a new client or contact—'What's in this for me?' or 'What can I do for you?'"

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Thu 07/10/08 12:17 PM
flowers Good post! Thankyou! flowers

screaMNchic's photo
Tue 07/22/08 11:21 AM
you are welcome..

If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we should find in each man's life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility.
--Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Most of us make trouble for ourselves by over-reacting to what others say or do. We have conditioned ourselves to see everyone else as "the enemy" rather than look within ourselves for the real cause of our distress.

If we can pause long enough to uncover our own hidden discomfort and distorted attitudes before we react with harsh criticism or vindictive silence, we can change our destructive first impulses into a loving interchange between individuals.

Today let me not be quick to criticize or condemn another. I will look at others as friends, not as foes, on my journey toward self-discovery.

screaMNchic's photo
Sun 08/31/08 11:12 AM
The Importance of Money

We cannot afford to allow our focus in life to be money. That will not lead us into the abundance we're seeking. Usually, it will not even lead to financial stability.

Money is important. We deserve to be paid what we're worth. We will be paid what we're worth when we believe we deserve to be. But often your plans fail when our primary consideration is money.

What do we really want to do? What do we feel led to do? What are our instincts telling us? What do we feel guided to do? What are we excited about doing? Seek to find a way to do that, without worrying about the money.

Consider the financial aspects. Set boundaries about what you need to be paid. Be reasonable. Expect to start at the bottom and work up. But if you feel led toward a job, go for it.

Is there something we truly don't want to do, something that goes against our grain, but we are trying to force ourselves into it "for the money"? Usually, that's a behavior that backfires. It doesn't work. We make ourselves miserable, and the money usually goes wrong too.

Money is a consideration, but it cannot be our primary consideration if we are seeking spiritual security and peace of mind.

Today, I will make money a consideration, but I will not allow it to become my primary consideration. God, help me be true to myself and trust that the money will follow.

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