Topic: Obama's Pastor | |
get the facts straight Killed your entire following statement immediately. My facts are straight. Unless someone put a lookalike in a video and had them say this stuff then my facts are dead on. I never said anything wild about Obama. I said he is close to this man and has not come out and distanced himself from him. That's it. actually Obama has recently publicly repudiated these remarks and is trying to disavow any connection with them it is somewhat of a "Tar-Baby" owing to his long support and association with this church |
get the facts straight Killed your entire following statement immediately. My facts are straight. Unless someone put a lookalike in a video and had them say this stuff then my facts are dead on. I never said anything wild about Obama. I said he is close to this man and has not come out and distanced himself from him. That's it. actually Obama has recently publicly repudiated these remarks and is trying to disavow any connection with them it is somewhat of a "Tar-Baby" owing to his long support and association with this church Lindyy says: I watched Sean Hannity's interview of Obama's pastor. And, I watched Obama's interview where he is trying to repudiate his pastor's remarks. Frankly, Obama has attended this church for 20 years, no way can I believe that he was unaware of the remarks made by his pastor. To me, that says he agrees. I have changed churches because I felt the 'tone' was not one that I agreed with. This pastor is very radical and racist. A 'fast talker' who tried to out-do Hannity, but miserably failed. Supposedly this pastor has given his last sermon and is now retiring. I do not think God was very happy with some of this man's remarks and theology. Lindyy |
Edited by
Sun 03/16/08 03:36 PM
The mainstream media is only now beginning to focus heavily on Barack Obama’s controversial minister, but only because of the blogs on the Internet. What have these bloggers come up with?
Rev. Wright's church displays the red, black, and green flag of the pan-African movement beside its pulpit, and its motto is “Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian.” The church’s “Black Value System,” with its focus favoring African-Americans, would be racist, if it were advocated by a white church in lieu of a black one. Why is Wright racist? Wright delivered a sermon using the terms “white arrogance” and “the United States of white America.” In the context of his sermon, the term "white arrogance" was used by Wright to blame America for the world's woes. The church members in attendance that day included Obama. Didn't Obama say he is unaware of Wright's racist and anti-American rehortic? By the way, Obama's best selling book “The Audacity of Hope” takes its title from a Rev. Wright sermon. Wright also delivered sermons blaming America for starting the AIDS virus, training professional killers, importing drugs, and creating a racist society that would never elect a black candidate as president. And let's not forget that Wright’s church gave a lifetime achievement award to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who has called whites “blue-eyed devils.” I suppose Obama is also unaware that Wright has visited Castro’s Cuba and Col. Gaddafi’s Libya. However, Obama can do all the lying he wants on MSNBC, FOX, and CNN .... I saw all of those interviews. The facts remain, that according to Obama, he has been a member of Wright's church since 1991, and he never knew about Wright's anti-Americanism and racism. Additionally, Obama on these same shows declared he had a close association with Wright before he joined his church. When you have belonged to a church for over 17 years and have had a close association with the Reverend of the church well before you joined the church, how can you not know of Wright's racist/anti-American leanings?! It would be virtually impossible, particularly when you are a supposedly intelligent, well-educated man from the finest private school in Hawaii, from Columbia, and from Harvard. All of these facts not only raise legitimate questions about Mr. Obama’s fundamental beliefs about his country but also his truthfullness. Obama's wife proved she is a racist a few weeks ago, and now we are learning Obama is no better than she. |
Any comments on my post?
the body can only contain as much volume as it already is, and the mind controls it and is the control tower for all functions, and work the same as what it control, the truth can never be found without speaking/expelling untruths, while at the same time gathering/adding truths truth is just evolving constantly, so TIME and SPEAKING bring all truth, and just as one cannot see the body grow, neither can one see truth grow, unless these principles of truth are known, and then peace is felt even before it is seen.
best double talk I have heard in a long time ....
best double talk I have heard in a long time .... smiles.....go in your mind and ask yourself if you are good, and then hear all your mind says to you, good and bad, and do not ignore the bad it says, and then come back and read again, and repeat process until more beomces apparent. |
true to all except they are racist, and anti-american, as what be america other than live and let live and free speech......these principles are what created all the good and freedom we have ever had.....if one believe racism exist, than it be created all the more, as they defend against in all words and then actions, and bring unrest the more, so if the mind stop at a negative conclusion, than it cannot be the whole truth that is available to be seen, as the whole truth will always end with a solution that bring peace, not unrest.....the truth is always bitter in the mouth, but when swallowed, even before it hits the stomach, will bring a smile to the face.....
true to all except they are racist, and anti-american, as what be america other than live and let live and free speech......these principles are what created all the good and freedom we have ever had.....if one believe racism exist, than it be created all the more, as they defend against in all words and then actions, and bring unrest the more, so if the mind stop at a negative conclusion, than it cannot be the whole truth that is available to be seen, as the whole truth will always end with a solution that bring peace, not unrest.....the truth is always bitter in the mouth, but when swallowed, even before it hits the stomach, will bring a smile to the face..... what are you on? you can't possibly be rational. |
if the thoughts tell us something is bad, than it is not all the truth, and we have just been taught to accept all as either good and bad, from the time we are born, but if when we are born the first thing we have is a thought, whether it be to cry or blink or whatever, than to get back to a perfect state of being without pain or unrest, we have to see how to do it, and so one would see all begin with thoughts, so to focus on actions will never give the answer to change anything, but rather the thoughts that create all that we see....every building we see came from a thought, and yes even every person came from a thought, the thoughts two people had before they has sex to make the next person.....
if we only look for good, than how can we ever understand bad, as do we not need to understand why bad happen to not create it.....not just see the act and speak it.......we then would see that all bad first come from thoughts that any percieve to be bad, and that all negative thoughts of anything, if we ask why, and why again, and why again, and dont stop conversing with our own self, as wisdom we have heard is within....then the answer will end in one that make the negative now a positive, and we now understand even a terrible negative, and when the true answer is reached it cant be a negative, and we now know the solution to fix it, or change it, for anything negative about ourself or another.......just trying to explain my lack of rational thought.....smiles |
I still don't care what some pastor said. I have friends who make homophobic comments all the time, I don't agree but I love them all the same. It's better than Ron Pauls articles which were truely racist;^]
I still don't care what some pastor said. I have friends who make homophobic comments all the time, I don't agree but I love them all the same. It's better than Ron Pauls articles which were truely racist;^] The point is that one is know by the company he keeps. Also the company one keeps brings one's judgement into play. Obama's mentor is a racist. What does this say about Obama's judgment in his friends and associates? Do you really want a man who hangs with racists and anti-Americans in the White House!? |
Edited by
Mon 03/17/08 01:16 PM
I still don't care what some pastor said. I have friends who make homophobic comments all the time, I don't agree but I love them all the same. It's better than Ron Pauls articles which were truely racist;^] The point is that one is know by the company he keeps. Also the company one keeps brings one's judgement into play. Obama's mentor is a racist. What does this say about Obama's judgment in his friends and associates? Do you really want a man who hangs with racists and anti-Americans in the White House!? if what you say is all the truth, then we shall have to divide the world down the middle, or have a big ****ing war, between all the different companys we keep.....and yes, the company we keep does say something about the who we are, that we are not seeing everything if we think the answer is to SEGREGATE all according to what they each say, or even by what they all are hearing wisdom the things you speak, but if you channel it inward and keep asking your own self more questions, and never stop with a negative conclusion, and defintlity until you get to an answer that spells no damnation for anybody else, than you have found the total truth.......this will give you many more answers than what you hear now.......of course these things you hear sound bad, i totally agree they do, and can lead to much civil unrest, but if you are seeing these things, than you care, and if you care than you have sooooooo much more in you, many many many more answers that will bring you happiness, as many do not even care about more than their shoe selection for the stopping your thoughts at a negative one about anything, this make each thing to live then negative, or plain engish '****ing unahppy.....i wish for no one to live there.....rational or not.....guess thats your call |
Edited by
Mon 03/17/08 01:20 PM
Damn democrats!!!
We want a president with good judgment skills.... was Bush elected twice than? |
Wright also delivered sermons blaming America for starting the AIDS virus, training professional killers, importing drugs, and creating a racist society that would never elect a black candidate as president.
America DID train professional killers. Ever heard of Blackwater? |
Wright also delivered sermons blaming America for starting the AIDS virus, training professional killers, importing drugs, and creating a racist society that would never elect a black candidate as president. America DID train professional killers. Ever heard of Blackwater? but the implication is that American did it because white America hates blacks |
whatever makes you happy always leads to the truth, as focusing on everything that dosen't is the very thing that created all the evil one is seeing......the very mistake anyone that create evil did to create it, as is not all evil a REACTION to things NOT attempt at erasing what was disliked.....this motive can never create happiness/good/love EVER
The pastors sermons are disgusting to me. Fueling hate. To me, it shows just how much credibility Obama has. NONE.
Damn democrats!!! not hardly.......damn both parties!!!!!!!!!! we ( the voters ) have been fools for years until this last election, we woke up and they know it........but still every trick in the book is pulled out to get our votes........certain words draws attention from everyone....this word ( change ) could be a bad thing or a worse thing than what we already have.......i do not trust either party, much less the candidate running......if we don't stand our ground on what we have and what we demand for this country, our children will suffer far worse than what we have suffered......why continue letting this awful corrupt government keep dwindling our hard earn pay to little of nothing? i can only hope that we one day will stick together and take back what is rightfully ours.......we work for them and that is damn wrong on our part........let's get rid of the scum in washington, please........ |