Topic: War In Our Own Backyard
countryboy23461's photo
Tue 01/02/07 05:28 PM
we really never know what this war brings... untill at three am he phone
rings and its a dear one asking you to sit down... this war isnt useless
it isnt retarded and unneccary its something that should have happened
ten years ago. dont hate the pres for siezing the moment for taking
action when the world as we knew it was crashing around us...i lost a
cousin in the trade center attacks on that day, and ive also lost a
cousin in this war, im military so i understand. but im tired of people
calling this war dumb useless and the pres an idiot we should unite to
fight those who want to destroy our way of lfe and those we love

a sailor but not a sailor

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 01/02/07 05:51 PM
Countryboy you are so right. I have the highest respect for our Troops
that are fighting for our FREEDOM. I think we should all stand and
salute them for what they give us and the lives that have been given
just for our FREEDOM. There are no words that can be said of how I feel
about our Troops and what they have done for us except.


Tneal's photo
Thu 01/04/07 07:45 AM

no photo
Fri 01/05/07 03:35 PM
love the troops... cant stand the sick and crooked president!

chopperdan's photo
Fri 01/05/07 03:39 PM
Hey not defending the **** head but there is a whole bunch of other damn
crooks up there too!