Topic: So i am confused.....
songbirrd's photo
Fri 12/29/06 06:55 PM
not U LOL

iceman1987's photo
Fri 12/29/06 06:57 PM
oh .... right .... i knew that....

songbirrd's photo
Fri 12/29/06 07:03 PM
lol where'd u go mike?:(

iceman1987's photo
Fri 12/29/06 07:09 PM
Hey i gotta get off soon but i will talk to you once i am in Portland.
Is that cool??

songbirrd's photo
Fri 12/29/06 07:10 PM
yea bye hon!

iceman1987's photo
Fri 12/29/06 07:12 PM
hey hey did everyone see that???? she called me hun. thats right pervs
back DOWN!! lol

Cybear's photo
Fri 12/29/06 07:18 PM
Hey iceman/mike.This one of the hot issues right now ongoing.That's is
why all the debate of Moderators onboard is a key issue.I've weighed the
pros and cons here,but I'm siding with yes on this because the bottom
line is that Mr.V & Mike can not police the comm.24/7.I think the two
biggest psycho~pedophiles currently disrupting the comm.would be
Secretman & Bloodyceaser.Some serious psychological
counseling(long-term)would be there greatest hope to function like
normal human beings society.I don't understand though why Mr.V. & Mike
do not remove these threads immediately because it is a tremendous
eyesore to the comm.Also this is the last thing we want for a newcomers
first impression of the comm.The primary objective is to keep all of the
good and descent people,and weed out the vile ones.This way the
comm.grows and prospers,and in return we are all happy and content and
enjoying ourselves,and we are comfortable enough to express ourselves
within the comm.without fear of being bashed and provoked.Just my
opinion on the matter.Godspeed!Cybear.

songbirrd's photo
Fri 12/29/06 07:30 PM
lighten up it's his first post ^.^ im sure he was joking same as me.
there r great ppl here and ice is one of them

Cybear's photo
Fri 12/29/06 07:38 PM
Songbird what the heck are you talking about????????????????I'm
discussing an ongoing problem within the comm.with mike and iceman.Did
you read the comment hon?

Tneal's photo
Fri 12/29/06 07:40 PM
I agree cyberbear. its hard to keep an eye on everything... help is
always appriciated... *S*

songbirrd's photo
Fri 12/29/06 07:41 PM
sounded mean 2 me. lol im dumb leave me alone! lol srry bear really

tigerman's photo
Fri 12/29/06 08:12 PM
in a world of players. why define the game?

lily38's photo
Sat 12/30/06 12:04 AM
How can you be certain those you think are NOT perves really AREN'T??? I
mean, hey, how do the sickies lure the younsters on other sites? Maybe
the perves are the ones who seem the most acceptable?

leroy01's photo
Sat 12/30/06 12:51 AM
Ask yourself this question>>>>>>> If my life is so tegether, than why am
I here?



leroy01's photo
Sat 12/30/06 01:11 AM
So I am confused? Wich brings me to this thread, also to
this site & I'm sure not alone !! LOL!!! LMAO!!!

michael1313's photo
Sat 12/30/06 02:00 AM
there cannot be good without bad,
no light,without dark,
no drive, without park,
cannot be happieness,without sad,
no Yen,without a Yang,
not even mend,if not torn

we've all known this sense we're born
without sex,there will never be a porn,
what's next,be like sheep,and all get shorn,
we all have a light,and dark,given when we're born,

live for protecting,love your connecting,
let the perverts go to another site for

Cybear's photo
Sat 12/30/06 05:00 AM
Hi! Lily,I totally agree with you on that one.No argument here.There is
no way of us being totally certain as to which category each member
would belong in.All I can really do from a personal standpoint is
ascertain a person's character by comments they post within the
threads,or there reactions etc.I can only go by my gut feeling as far as
your question is concerned.But I have meet some really nice people so
far and I'm having alot of fun and laughter so far.Very amusing in
deed.My main point was to stress the primary objective within the
comm.In the hopes that the atmosphere will remain friendly and
productive,and the members will be able to express

Cybear's photo
Sat 12/30/06 05:27 AM
Hey Leroy,1)duh!First of all start that ridiculous question of yours on
a new thread so everybody can share in the laughter and your remarks
won't remain hidden for awhile buried within threads for people to to
stumble upon eventually.2)duh!Your question is totally irrelevant to the
subject matter that was being discussed within this thread.3)duh!I never
stated that my life was perfect,furthermore I don't need to give any
more than a split second worth of thought because it is an absurd
comment.4)duh!And when my friends catch the comment you made yesterday
on a different thread that pertains to us all,then I'd have to say get
your raincoat on buddy because a **** storm is coming your
way.5)duh!Read the sign at the door,we are here to make friends or
possibly more,not to post idiotic comments within people's threads.In
spay's infamous words S.T.F.U.
p.s.Increase the peace instead of promoting strife then you'll be less
confused and more enlightened.Cybear

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 12/30/06 06:22 AM
Darn Cybear why you going off on Leroy here hummm don't know what was
said on the other thread but gesssssssssssh have not known Learoy to be
a bad egg maybe he was just saying the way he sees things we all have a
opionion and should be able to voice it at times not everyone is gonna
like what we say. And at times we take things in a differnt way the
moderaters are for the ones that curse all the time and are very rude
not for someone that once in a while slips witha an opionion that
someone does not like.

Cybear's photo
Sat 12/30/06 06:42 AM
Good Morn.Txsgal.I don't remember the particular thread but his comment
is in regards to us all being fakes with cartoon characters,and being
cowardly,etc.I don't remember it word for word but it definitely wasn't
nice.I didn't comment at the moment it was said because I figured give
him enough rope and he'll hang himself with it.I'm definitely cool with
the self-expression hon,however this guy is approaching things from a
harsh angle.He needs to keep his comments on the positive side that's
all.Hopefully he will learn that you attract more bees with honey not
with vinegar.