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Topic: Perceptions
AaronzDad's photo
Sat 03/08/08 07:51 PM

Actually RT that's an excellent example of the title of your thread.

Everyone views the world through their own glasses - some more distorted or foggy than others.

You did ask for perceptions

widowerseeking's photo
Sat 03/08/08 08:23 PM
rt, yes as a matter of fact I do know what a crack dealer looks like, he as a rule just looks like an average person you might see on the street, in fact he looks too average. how do I know this for a little while when I was working, wore one of those blue windbreakes with the letters DEA on the back. most people seem to think of a drug dealer as being of mexican origin always wearing a goatee, and looking like his clothes were fished out of a dumpster that just does not match the dealer.

Lily0923's photo
Sat 03/08/08 08:28 PM
Wow, after reading that he thinks rt is a crack dealer...

well my PERCEPTION about him has changed

I think he is a lonely old man who needs to get out into the real world.....

widowerseeking's photo
Sat 03/08/08 09:01 PM
lily, just said rt could pass for a dealer, did not say he was, a dealer for the most part if you go on looks alone, he might appear to be taking his lady out for a meal at one of the better food places.he might be headed for church services on sunday morning, or even bible study on wednesday night, no he does not often look like a dealer per se.

no photo
Sat 03/08/08 09:27 PM
widow----hard to tell from the pic... but I would say that u prob don't like taking pics.... set in ur ways... and not really caring of what others think (not in a bad way)

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