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Topic: Time Travel & it's Paradox
Cybear's photo
Fri 12/29/06 09:14 AM
[Science]:Time travel moving either backward to the past or forward to
the future.Just as our current actions affect the future,our action's
of the past can affect the present.The Grandfather Paradox,which must be
addressed when discussing time travel,describes the potential problems
that can arise from traveling to the past.Albert Einstein resolved the
issue with the concept of world lines.Future time travel requires
traveling at the speed of light while past time travel requires the the
use of wormholes.Both types of time travel are very difficult to
accomplish because of the technology and energy that would be required
to move at the speed of light.While theoretically possible,time travel
is better left to a more advanced civilization.

[Intro.]:In a modern world with robotic dogs,the Internet,and cloned
mice,science fiction is quickly becoming science fact.One of the most
intriguing sci-fi time travel.Time travel involves more than
merely jumping into a time machine and entering the desired date of
arrival.Even though the reality of time travel is theoretically
possible,it can not be fully implemented in the near future due to
massive energy requirements.In addition,the existence of time travel
creates paradoxical issues that need to be resolved.However time travel
is not totally out of the question.

[Definition]To better understand the possibility of time travel,it is
important to first define it.In our world,we can move freely in three
spatial dimensions:forward and backward;left and right;up and down.Every
object's position around the world can be described by these three
dimensions.There also exist an additional dimension,that of time,which
physicist Albert Einstein established as the fourth dimension.Traversing
in the fourth dimension is vastly different than moving in the
previously mentioned three.We simply cannot will ourselves to move
forward five min.or back ten days.In other words,time only moves forward
so we are stuck moving in that direction.Thus,the end goal of time
travel is to enable us to control where we go in this fourth
dimension.However,our actions in the fourth dimension are cause for
concern.What we do now in the present affects our future.In the same
manner,our actions in the past should have affected our present
lives.Changing the outcomes of past events leads to what physicists and
philosophers refer to as the "Grandfather Paradox".

[The Grandfather Paradox]:If a person traveled to the past to murder his
grandfather,thus preventing his father and subsequently himself from
being born,what happens to that person?Does he simply fade away into
non-existence?If he is not born in the first place,how did he manage to
travel back in time to kill his grandfather?A solution to this paradox
is necessary before even considering the possibility of time
travel.There are a number of ways to resolve the paradox.Philosophers
present a simple solution.The reason that when the grandson attempts to
murder the his grandfather,he fails on all accounts because it is
logically impossible to change the past.This is because the grandson
still exists in the present and when he goes back in time,any number of
things can go wrong:he misses on every shot or the gun doesn't
work,etc.By virtue of his own existence,no matter how hard he tries he
cannot kill his grandfather.This can be applied to other cases where
time travelers attempt to change the past.They simply cannot succeed to
to the nature of the time line from which they came.

Published by Illumin/Submitted by Cybear

no photo
Fri 12/29/06 09:20 AM
is there someone you want's to oLIMINATe from exsistance Lad??


cool read!!! and TOO true.. we are a product of all that has come
before.. and will be the catalyst for all that is to come!! couldn't
agree with ya more!!

Cybear's photo
Fri 12/29/06 10:08 AM
Oh!No!she is reading my mind again.OMG!She has penetrated the left
hemisphere of my very brain.Noooooooooo!This is just way to creepy
Zero_E.I must remove this alien counterpart that has successfully
invaded.(hee~hee)No but seriously I've always been intrigued with this
particular subject,regardless if we see or experience it within our
lifetime.Which is highly unlikely of course.But massively cool!science
and theories nonetheless.

no photo
Fri 12/29/06 10:21 AM
i understand the theory of the grandfather paradox CY but i don't
believe in predestination so it's kinda hard for me to agree with. very
interesting though, thank you for posting this.

no photo
Fri 12/29/06 10:27 AM
yes CY.. it's ALL a ploy.. I've secretly infiltrated yer brain using an
ancient technique called "Mind Meld"!! yes folks it ACTUally works!!!

and where do ya think Gene Roddenberry comes from?? huh?? OUR solar
systems 10 LITE years away.. we've been invading you humans for YEARS!!!
and SLOWLY we're taking OVer yer VERY exISTANCE!!

you're MIND is MINE baybay!! hee hee ;o)

ANYthing this brain DOESN'T know FOOD to the sponge!! it's EVER curious
about whats Possible and whats PROBable..

no photo
Fri 12/29/06 10:28 AM
OOOPPSS.. that was classified.... MY bad!!

gotta kill ya all now...

REAL sorry bout this!!!


karmafury's photo
Fri 12/29/06 10:29 AM
Zero. You have failed in your mission to integrate among humans. You are
being recalled to the homeworld.

no photo
Fri 12/29/06 10:31 AM
i wouldn't trust too many people that i have met with time travel.

no photo
Fri 12/29/06 10:33 AM
neither would I King LMAO

Karma.. I'm NOT going!!!! you can't MAKE me!!!

*z stomps foot and folds arms*

so THERE!!! gotta FIND me first... ;o)

karmafury's photo
Fri 12/29/06 10:33 AM
Cybear to get back to subject I suppose we'll only learn the validity of
the Grandfather paradox when it actually becomes possible to travel in

no photo
Fri 12/29/06 10:34 AM
or better yet Karma...

can we do a Mind Wipe spell on them?? can we???

I promise to do better??!!!! :o)

no photo
Fri 12/29/06 10:35 AM
we'll use cy's TIME TRAVEL machine!!!

pretty PLEEZEEE???

no photo
Fri 12/29/06 10:35 AM
that will be the interesting part karma. i'm not doubting the brilliance
or validity of these things because i don't know but it is just a theory
and not too many people are smart enough to challenge it if it is
incorrect. only actually doing it and succeding or failing will let us
know for sure.

karmafury's photo
Fri 12/29/06 10:35 AM
Fine then. But so many at once. You've used up your favors.

karmafury's photo
Fri 12/29/06 10:37 AM
Paradox and it's possiblities have been used in countless Movies and
books. Some of the things they'vs used are outragous others seem
possible. All the possibles do make one think.

no photo
Fri 12/29/06 10:38 AM
that is the crazy part though because there wasn't much work done in the
area when the theory was devised.

no photo
Fri 12/29/06 10:38 AM
allll rite....

Yipee... *z Jumps fer joy at having another chance at making things rite
and rushes to be the FIRST to test Cy's machine*

see ya back in a bit :o)

no photo
Fri 12/29/06 10:40 AM
so?? did I work?? I'm baaaaccckkkk!!!

anything change???

LMAO ;o)

no photo
Fri 12/29/06 10:48 AM
yikes, you changed from a dog having it's butt sniffed to a polar bear

no photo
Fri 12/29/06 10:48 AM
this time travel stuff is more dangerous than i thought

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